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Category: Physical chemistry, Physical chemistry of surfaces
Agnieszka Maranda-Niedbała
- Position: Tech. Specialist
- Research group: Team 21 - Spectroscopic and microscopic (STM/AFM) studies of intermolecular interactions
- Keywords: surface science, organic electronics, molecular selforganization, thin films, scanning probe microscopy
Aleksander Jabłoński
- Position: Full Professor
- Research group: Laboratory of Surface Analysis
- Keywords: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, theory of electron transport in surface region, metrology of surface analysis
Anna Brzozowska-Elliott
PhD, Eng.
- Position: Specialist
- Research group: Laboratory for Soft Matter Research
- Keywords: diffusion, DLS, NMR, DSC, X-ray, thin films, hyperbranched polymers
Beata Lesiak-Orłowska
PhD, DSc
- Position: Assistant professor
- Research group: Team 16 - Dynamics of nanocrystal structure induced by surface chemistry
- Keywords: electron spectroscopic methods; hybrid carbon nanomaterials; nanoparticles; biomaterials; interfaces
Izabela Stefanowicz-Pięta
- Position: Assistant professor
- Research group: Team 21 - Spectroscopic and microscopic (STM/AFM) studies of intermolecular interactions
- Keywords: energy and environmental catalysis, single atom catalysis, catalytic reforming, biofuel and bioenergy, catalysts nanoengineering, process design, catalyst poisoning and degradation, NOx removal process
Jacinto Sa
PhD, DSc
- Position: Associate professor
- Research group: Team 15 - Modern Heterogenous Catalysis
- Keywords: Heterogeneous Catalysis
Juan Carlos Colmenares Quintero
- Position: Full Professor
- Research group: Team 28 - Catalysis for sustainable energy production and environmental protection, CatSEE
- Keywords: catalytic selective hydrogenation and oxidation, mechanisms of (super)acid-(super)base catalysis, petrochemical processes, synthesis-characterization-applications of novel nanomaterials, heterogeneous photocatalysis, green chemistry, sonocatalysis, natura
Kostiantyn Nikiforow
PhD, Eng.
- Position: Main specialist
- Research group: Laboratory of Surface Analysis
- Keywords: XPS, STM, AFM, SEM, surface studies
Ladislav Derzsi
- Position: Assistant professor
- Research group: Team 11 - Microfluidics and Complex Fluids Research Group
- Keywords: microfluidics, Lab-On-Chip, complex fluids, Emulsions
Marcin Pisarek
PhD, Eng.
- Position: Associate professor
- Research group: Laboratory of Surface Analysis
- Keywords: materials science and engineering, surface science, AES and XPS spectroscopy
Marta Majewska
M.Sc. Eng.
- Position: Research assistant
- Research group: Modified electrodes for potential application in sensors and cells
- Keywords: model biological membranes, antimicrobial peptides, atomic force microscopy, nanomechanics, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, spectroelectrochemistry
Mirosław Krawczyk
PhD, Eng.
- Position: Main specialist
- Research group: Laboratory of Surface Analysis
- Keywords: ElemeSolid surfaces; Auger electron spectroscopy; Elastic peak electron spectroscopy; X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; Electron inelastic mean free path; Physical vapour deposition; Plasma deposition
Olga Chernyayeva
PhD, Eng.
- Position: Specialist
- Research group: Laboratory of Surface Analysis
- Keywords: XPS, surface analysis
Paweł Borowicz
- Position: Main specialist
- Research group: Laboratory for Molecular Films Research
- Keywords: Thin Films and Nanotechnology, Raman Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Physics of Semiconductors, Diffusion Controlled Processes, Proton Transfer
Piotr Pięta
PhD, Eng.
- Position: Assistant professor
- Research group: Team 21 - Spectroscopic and microscopic (STM/AFM) studies of intermolecular interactions
- Keywords: electrochemistry, polymers, supercapacitors, phospholipid bilayers, peptides
Piotr Garstecki
- Position: Full Professor
- Research group: Team 11 - Microfluidics and Complex Fluids Research Group
- Keywords: microfluidics, lab on chip, diagnostics, soft matter, assay
Piotr Kędzierzawski
PhD, Eng.
- Position: Specialist
- Research group: Team 23 - Modified electrodes for potential application in sensors and cells
- Keywords: Fuel Cells, Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cells, Electrocatalysis, Nanocomposite Materials
Richard Löffler
- Position: Research assistant
- Research group: Complex Systems and Chemical Processing of Information
- Keywords: active matter, camphor, droplets, self-organization, marangoni, non-linear
Robert Nowakowski
- Position: Full Professor
- Research group: Team 21 - Spectroscopic and microscopic (STM/AFM) studies of intermolecular interactions
- Keywords: surface science, organic electronics, molecular selforganization, thin films, scanning probe microscopy
Sylwester Gawinkowski
- Position: Assistant professor
- Research group: Team 27 - Laser Centre
- Keywords: spectroscopy, SERS, nanospectroscopy, nanoimaging, nanophotonics, single molecule spectroscopy, plasmonics
Tomasz Ratajczyk
- Position: Assistant professor
- Research group: Team 30 - Hiperpolaryzacja jądrowa układów molekularnych i nanomateriałów
- Keywords: Chemistry, Spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, NMR, NMR signal enhancement, parahydrogen
Wojciech Nogala
PhD, Eng.
- Position: Assistant professor
- Research group: Team 06 - Nanoelectrochemistry
- Keywords: scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM); nanoelectrochemistry; nanoelectrodes; nanosensors
Wojciech Lisowski
PhD, DSc
- Position: Main specialist
- Research group: Laboratory of Surface Analysis
Wojciech Juszczyk
PhD, Eng.
- Position: Specialist
- Research group: Team 16 - Dynamics of nanocrystal structure induced by surface chemistry
- Keywords: X-ray diffraction, heterogeneous catalysis