IPC PAS for companies

Cooperation between the Institute and business
We are an institution that is friendly not only to researchers, but also to entrepreneurs. We want to make science come out to the people and be present in everyday life. We have prepared and carried out research projects with companies and projects co-financed from grants. The best recommendation for us is to work with companies such as Samsung, Unilever, Mitsui Chemicals, General Electric, Polfarma, Polfa Tarchomin, Thermo Fisher Scientific and State Forests.
We perform commissioned studies and coordinate and participate in research and advisory projects for business and industry. We have carried out research projects for commercial entities testing the characteristics of products (e.g. connected with the phenomenon of nanoviscosity), we have undertaken work to significantly improve or optimize products (e.g. optimizing the formula of a product) as well as the development of new products (e.g. devices for medical diagnosis). We have also been commissioned to produce chemical substances (including a precursor to a cure for HIV and intermediates for a diabetes drug).
We carry out preliminary analyses without your incurring any cost, since we want to build lasting relationships based on knowledge and trust. Just try us out and ask us a question. If you need external financing – we can jointly prepare the grant application or other documents required to obtain financing.
Consultancy and research
We conduct interdisciplinary research on the borderline of physics, chemistry and biology.
Physical chemistry
- modern materials
- studies of the specific surface area and porous structure of materials with a high surface area
- studies of the size of metal particles deposited on porous materials
- analysis of the composition of substances desorbing from solids
- studies of various properties of materials under high pressure
- studies of the morphology and surface structure of solids and the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of their chemical composition
- microscopic examination of surface processes and reactions
- the detection of disease markers, including anti-HBs Ag antibodies (hepatitis B infection), and cancer markers
- the detection and identification of pathogenic bacteria and facultative pathogens, moulds and yeasts
- the development of innovative microfluidic techniques for use in chemical analysis and medical diagnostics
- designing receptor layers for biochemical tests
- the study of molecular interactions, for example protein-protein, antibody-antigen interactions
- analysis of the chemical composition of the composite materials of dental fillings
Environmental protection
- the study of water quality in terms of pollution with compounds containing chlorine
- the synthesis of materials for environmental protection and renewable energy sources
- the study of sorption properties of porous materials
- the synthesis of pheromones, attractants and repellents for insect pests
Pharmaceutical industry
- expert reports on the phase composition of materials and their polymorphism
- studies of the changes in structure of pharmacological substances due to temperature and water binding
- the molecular identification and quantitative analysis of organic compounds in complex mixtures (e.g. in environmental matrices, pheromone samples, products of organic synthesis, etc.)
- the interpretation of mass spectra, including EI, ESI, APCI APPI, FD
- the development and validation of analytical methods for determining chemical compounds
- the planning and execution of organic syntheses
- the preparation of a variety of materials based on ZnO nanoparticles
- the experimental determination of the stability of dispersed systems (emulsions, suspensions)
Cosmetics industry
- the detection and identification of pathogenic bacteria in cosmetic products
- the molecular identification and quantitative analysis of organic compounds in complex mixtures (e.g. in environmental matrices, pheromone samples, products of organic synthesis)
- the interpretation of mass spectra, including EI, ESI, APCI APPI, FD
- the development and validation of analytical methods for determining chemical compounds
- the planning and execution of organic syntheses
- studying the impact of chemical nanopollutants on living cells
- the preparation of a variety of materials based on ZnO nanoparticles
- the experimental determination of the stability of dispersed systems (emulsions, suspensions)
Food industry
- studying the effects of chemical nanopollutants (e.g. nanoparticles and chemically modified nanoparticles) on living cells
- the detection and identification of Salmonella, Listeria, and Campylobacter using Raman spectroscopy and SERS
- detecting the presence of bacterial cells included in the list of microorganism hazards for foodstuffs
- the detection of trace amounts of harmful and prohibited substances (drugs, designer drugs and other intoxicants)
- designing receptor layers for biochemical tests
- studying molecular interactions, for example protein-protein, antibody-antigen interactions
Museums, art conservation
- the analysis of dyes, pigments, varnishes, and adhesives
- designing receptor layers for biochemical tests
Measurement services
We have a wide range of apparatus available. The measuring devices at our Institute enable, among others, analysis of the structure of molecules and the purity of chemical compounds, the detection of their polymorphs as well as the determination of the degree of cross-linking of polymers. We are able to perform X-ray structural analysis of monocrystalline organic, inorganic and organometallic compounds at various temperatures, extensive spectroscopic analysis using a variety of techniques including SERS and characterize the surface of materials by scanning electron microscopy and atomic force as well as by spectroscopy (eg. XPS and AES). Our recently upgraded and expanded laboratory testing of processes occurring in the few outermost atomic layers of solid surfaces is one of the most modern in Europe.
Interested entrepreneurs and scientists can, with our help, identify and determine organic compounds in complex matrices, determine the degree of water pollution, define the surface properties and structure of porous materials, investigate the phase composition and changes in structure of materials for the pharmaceutical industry or analyze small amounts of substances that appear during high-energy power failures. Our experts dealing with cosmetic and clinical microbiology will help detect and identify bacteria (including those causing disease), and pathogens.
The ultrafast laser techniques we are developing can be used for surface micromachining of materials. These techniques are also used in studies of conformational changes in polymers and the structure of water in enzymatic reactions, they can also be used for the analysis of dyes, pigments and varnishes and adhesives as well as for detection of cancer markers.
We provide the assistance of qualified personnel, professional data processing, and the interpretation of results. To supplement our offer with biological research we cooperate with the Nancki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS.
IPC PAS is among the top twenty institutions that frequently patent their inventions. We are the owner and co-owner of a number of patent applications and patents that are offered for sale or licensing. Our patents can be used in many industries, including in the manufacture of plastics and polymers, in modern advanced analytical chemistry materials, as well as in clinical trials, optics, medical diagnostics, pharmacy, etc.
We collaborate with independent experts who carry out the valuation of patents taking into account the outlay required for marketing. The procedure for the transfer of patent rights is fast, typically it does not exceed 1 - 2 months.
We also encourage you to cooperate with the patent authors in order to further develop the protected technology.