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Category: Environmental chemistry
Anna Śrębowata
PhD, DSc
- Position: Associate professor
- Research group: Team 15 - Modern Heterogenous Catalysis
- Keywords: heterogeneous catalysis, chemoselective hydrogenation, catalysts synthesis
Juan Carlos Colmenares Quintero
- Position: Full Professor
- Research group: Team 28 - Catalysis for sustainable energy production and environmental protection, CatSEE
- Keywords: catalytic selective hydrogenation and oxidation, mechanisms of (super)acid-(super)base catalysis, petrochemical processes, synthesis-characterization-applications of novel nanomaterials, heterogeneous photocatalysis, green chemistry, sonocatalysis, natura
Krzysztof Rudziński
- Position: Specialist
- Research group: Team 17 - Environmental Chemistry
- Keywords: atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric aerosols, volatile organic compounds, atmosphere - biosphere feedbacks, forest protection, plant - insect communication, pest insects management
Magdalena Bonarowska
- Position: Specialist
- Research group: Team 15 - Modern Heterogenous Catalysis
- Keywords: hydrodechlorination, chemisorption, physisorption, noble metal dispersion
Monika Asztemborska
PhD, Eng.
- Position: Research and teaching fellow
- Research group: Laboratory of Chromatograph Analysis
Rafał Szmigielski
PhD, DSc, Eng.
- Position: Associate professor
- Research group: Team 17 - Environmental Chemistry
- Keywords: environmental chemistry, mass spectrometry, chromatography, chemical signalling