Kataliza dla zrównoważonego przetwarzania energii i ochrony środowiska
Kierownik zespołu
prof. dr hab. inż. Juan Carlos Colmenares Quintero
Academic Background:
- Full Professor in Chemical Sciences, 2023 – Council of Excellence in Poland/Office of the President of Poland
- D.Sc. (Habilitation) in Chemical Sciences, 2015 – Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
- Ph.D. in Catalysis and Materials Science, 2004 – Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Poland
- M.Sc. in Catalysis and Organic Technology, 1997 – WUT, Poland
- Chem. Eng., 1995 – WUT, Poland
Tematyka badawcza
Termo-katalityczna, Sono-katalityczna i Foto-katalityczna waloryzacja wszelkiego rodzaju odpadów organicznych (z CO2 włącznie) znajdujących się w wodzie i powietrzu. Produkcja chemikaliów o wysokiej wartości dodanej (np. słoneczne paliwa, półprodukty dla przemysłu farmaceutycznego i spożywczego) z odpadów organicznych. Racjonalne projektowanie i synteza nowych funkcjonalnych nanometrycznych katalizatorów (stosując niekonwencjonalne metody, np.: metody z użyciem ultradźwięków lub/i energii fotonu) dla procesów oczyszczania wody i powietrza, oraz produkcji wodoru.
Team Leader :
- Prof. dr hab. inż. Juan Carlos Colmenares Quintero
Team Members:
- Dr. Dariusz Łomot
- Dr. Marta Paszkiewicz-Gawron
- Dr. Hanggara Sudrajat
- Dr. Ahmed Malek Djaballah
- M.Sc. Behdokht Hashemi Hosseini
- M.Sc. Pablo Martinez Marco
- M.Sc. Asma Khan
Current Research Activities:
- Materials Science and Engineering: Synthesis, characterization, and applications of sono-, photo, and piezo-catalysts
- Ultrasound and Microwave methods for nanomaterials synthesis and water purification
- Heterogeneous Photocatalysis in Green Chemistry, Organic Synthesis, and H2 Production
- Sono- and Photo-Catalytic conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass into Platform Chemicals
- CO2 utilization/valorization: Dry reforming and artificial photosynthesis
- Green (Bio)Fuels and their catalytic combustion
- Catalysis in the Petrochemical Industry
- Mechanisms of (super)acid-(super)base catalysis
- Green Synthesis of Fine Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals by Thermo-, Sono- and Photo-Catalysis
A. M. Djaballah, B. Hashemi Hosseini, R. F. Colmenares-Quintero, D. Łomot, and J. C. Colmenares, Improving Hydrogen Generation from Biomass and Solid Waste by Combining Sonophotocatalysis through Carbon-Based Materials, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 101, 797–814. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.12.457
H. Sudrajat, H. Y. Hsu, F. Jérôme, and J. C. Colmenares, Mechanoredox-Catalyzed Organic Synthesis with Piezoelectric Materials: Quo Vadis?, ChemCatChem. DOI: 10.1002/cctc.202401814
R. F. Colmenares-Quintero, N. Rojas, J. C. Colmenares-Quintero, K. E. Stansfield, S. S. Villar-Villar, and S. E. Albericci-Avendaño, Design of an Integral Simulation Model for Solar-Powered Seawater Desalination in Coastal Communities: A Case Study in Manaure, La Guajira, Colombia, Sustainability, 17, 1505. DOI: 10.3390/su17041505
A. Qayyum, D. A. Giannakoudakis, D. Łomot, R. F. Colmenares-Quintero, K. Nikiforow, A. P. LaGrow, and J. C. Colmenares, Selective (Sono) Photocatalytic Cleavage of Lignin-Inspired β–O–4 Linkages to Phenolics by Ultrasound Derived 1-D Titania Nanomaterials, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 104, 106829. DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2024.106829
B. Hashemi Hosseini, R. L. Oliveira, D. Łomot, O. Chernyayeva, and J. C. Colmenares, Sonocatalytic Activity of Porous Carbonaceous Materials for the Selective Oxidation of 4-Hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxybenzyl Alcohol, Molecules, 29(7), 1436. DOI: 10.3390/molecules29071436
H. Y. Hsu, C. H. Mak, J. Feng, H. H. Shen, B. Han, S. P. Santoso, and J. C. Colmenares, Nanoscale Halide Perovskites for Photocatalytic CO₂ Reduction: Product Selectivity, Strategies, and Charge-Carrier Separation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A. DOI: 10.1039/D3TA07418H
B. Hashemi Hosseini, M. Paszkiewicz-Gawron, R. S. Varma, Y. J. Xu, H. Y. Hsu, and J. C. Colmenares, Sono-Photocatalysis for Continuous-Flow Intensification: A Disruptive Strategy for Lignocellulose Valorization, Applied Catalysis O: Open, 206973. DOI: 10.1016/j.apcato.2024.206973
R. F. Colmenares-Quintero, M. Baquero-Almazo, D. Kasperczyk, K. E. Stansfield, and J. C. Colmenares, Analysis of IoT Technologies for Remote Areas: A Conceptual Design for Energy Systems Monitoring in Colombia, Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 100783. DOI: 10.1016/j.clet.2024.100783
H. Sudrajat, S. A. Wella, J. Phanthuwongpakdee, D. Lisovytskiy, K. Sobczak, and J. C. Colmenares, Atomistic Understanding of Enhanced Selectivity in Photocatalytic Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol to Benzaldehyde Using Graphitic Carbon Nitride Loaded with Single Copper Atoms, Nanoscale. DOI: 10.1039/d4nr01610f
H. Y. Hsu, M. I. Jamesh, H. Tong, S. P. Santoso, W. Niu, J. J. Kai, C. Hsieh, K. C. Cheng, F. F. Li, B. Han, and J. C. Colmenares, Recent Advances in Developing Nanoscale Electro/Photocatalysts for Hydrogen Production: Modification Strategies and Applications, Nanoscale. DOI: 10.1039/D4NR01178C
A. Qayyum, D. A. Giannakoudakis, R. F. Colmenares-Quintero, H. Sudrajat, H. Y. Hsu, and J. C. Colmenares, Sonochemistry for Materials Synthesis and Catalysis, Nanoscience: Volume 10, Pages 235–260. DOI: 10.1039/BK9781837674138-00235 (Book Chapter)
J. P. Feng, C. H. Mak, G. H. Jia, B. Han, H. H. Shen, S. P. Santoso, J. J. Kai, M. J. Yuan, H. S. Song, J. C. Colmenares, and H. Y. Hsu, Unlocking Interfacial Interactions of In Situ Grown Multidimensional Bismuth-Based Perovskite Heterostructures for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution, Advanced Energy Materials, 2402785. DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202402785
H. Sudrajat, D. Lisovytskiy, and J. C. Colmenares, Improved Charge Carrier Mobility in a Copper Oxide Heterostructure Enhances the Photocatalytic Partial Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol to Benzaldehyde, Catalysis Science & Technology, Advance Article. DOI: 10.1039/D4CY00889H
Colmenares-Quintero, R. F., Caicedo-Concha, D. M., Rojas, N., Stansfield, K. E., & Colmenares-Quintero, J. C.
Problem based learning and design thinking methodologies for teaching renewable energy in engineering programs: Implementation in a Colombian university context.
Cogent Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1080/23311916.2022.2164442
Qayyum, A., Giannakoudakis, D. A., Łomot, D., Colmenares-Quintero, R. F., LaGrow, A. P., Nikiforow, K., Lisovytskiy, D., & Colmenares, J. C.
Tuning the physicochemical features of titanium oxide nanomaterials by altering the ultrasound parameters during the synthesis: Elevating photocatalytic selective partial oxidation of aromatic alcohols.
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, https://doi.org/10.1016/J.ULTSONCH.2023.106306
Mangrulkar, P. A., Manwar, N. R., Chilkalwar, A., Deshpande, A., & Rayalu, S. S.
In-situ/ Photoinduced fabrication of Zn/ZnO nanoscale hetero-interfaces with concomitant generation of solar hydrogen.
New Journal of Chemistry, https://doi.org/10.1039/D2NJ05431K
Qayyum, A., Giannakoudakis, D. A., LaGrow, A. P., Bondarchuk, O., Łomot, D., & Colmenares, J. C.
High-frequency sonication for the synthesis of nanocluster-decorated titania nanorods: Making a better photocatalyst for the selective oxidation of monoaromatic alcohol.
Catalysis Communications, https://doi.org/10.1016/J.CATCOM.2022.106406
Giannakoudakis, D. A., Zormpa, F. F., Margellou, A. G., Qayyum, A., Colmenares-Quintero, R. F., Len, C., Colmenares, J. C., & Triantafyllidis, K. S.
Carbon-Based Nanocatalysts (CnCs) for Biomass Valorization and Hazardous Organics Remediation.
Nanomaterials, https://doi.org/10.3390/NANO12101679
Tang, Y., Mak, C. H., Wang, C., Fu, Y., Li, F.-F., Jia, G., Hsieh, C.-W., Shen, H.-H., Colmenares, J. C., Song, H., Yuan, M., Chen, Y., & Hsu, H.-Y.
Bandgap Funneling in Bismuth-Based Hybrid Perovskite Photocatalyst with Efficient Visible-Light-Driven Hydrogen Evolution.
Small Methods, https://doi.org/10.1002/SMTD.202200326
Prekodravac, J., Giannakoudakis, D., Vasiljevic, B., Nair, V., Colmenares, J. C., & Kepic, D.
Black Titania: turning the surface chemistry towards visible light absorption, (photo) remediation of hazardous organics and H2 production. (Chapter 14)
In D. Giannakoudakis, L. Meili, & I. Anastopoulos (Eds.), Novel Materials for Emerging Environmental Remediation Applications: adsorption and beyond (1st ed.). Elsevier. https://www.elsevier.com/books/novel-materials-for-environmental-remediation-applications/giannakoudakis/978-0-323-91894-7
Manikandan, S. K., Giannakoudakis, D. A., Prekodravac, J. R., Nair, V., & Colmenares, J. C.
Role of Catalyst Supports in Biocatalysis.
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, https://doi.org/10.1002/JCTB.7177
Oliveira, R. de L., Nicinski, K., Pisarek, M., Kaminska, A., Thomas, A., Pasternak, G., & Colmenares, J. C.
Porous heteroatom-doped carbons: efficient catalysts for selective oxidation of alcohols by activated persulfate.
ChemCatChem. https://doi.org/10.1002/CCTC.202200787
Tang, Y., Mak, C. H., Wang, C., Fu, Y., Li, F. F., Jia, G., Hsieh, C. W., Shen, H. H., Colmenares, J. C., Song, H., Yuan, M., Chen, Y., & Hsu, H. Y.
Bandgap Funneling in Bismuth-Based Hybrid Perovskite Photocatalyst with Efficient Visible-Light-Driven Hydrogen Evolution.
Small Methods, https://doi.org/10.1002/SMTD.202200326
Giannakoudakis, D. A., Qayyum, A., Barczak, M., Colmenares-Quintero, R. F., Borowski, P., Triantafyllidis, K., & Colmenares, J. C.
Mechanistic and kinetic studies of benzyl alcohol photocatalytic oxidation by nanostructured titanium (hydro)oxides: do we know the entire story?
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, https://doi.org/10.1016/J.APCATB.2022.121939
After almost two years of experiments and discussions, our experimental and computational results, and conclusions regarding the photocatalytic selective partial oxidation of a biomass-derived mono-aromatic at ambient conditions and without additives/chemicals using novel and advanced synthesized titanium oxide nanostructured materials, were published in a prestigious journal, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. Special emphasis was given to finding which reactive oxygen species/radicals play a key role and proposing the “angel wings” photocatalytic cycles.
Paixão, G. R., Camparotto, N. G., de Vargas Brião, G., de Lima Oliveira, R., Colmenares, J. C., Prediger, P., & Vieira, M. G. A.
Synthesis of Mesoporous P-Doped Carbon and its Application in Propranolol Drug Removal: Characterization, kinetics and isothermal Studies.
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2022.09.009
Tang, Y., Hong Mak, C., Zhang, J., Jia, G., Cheng, K.-C., Song, H., Yuan, M., Zhao, S., Kai, J.-J., Carlos Colmenares, J., Hsu, H.-Y.
Unravelling the Interfacial Dynamics of Band-gap Funneling in Bismuth-based Halide Perovskites.
Advanced Materials, https://doi.org/10.1002/ADMA.202207835
Colmenares-Quintero, R. F., Barbosa-Granados, S., Rojas, N., Stansfield, K. E., Colmenares-Quintero, J. C., Ruiz-Candamil, M., & Cano-Perdomo, P.
Learning and Teaching Styles in a Public School with a Focus on Renewable Energies.
Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.3390/SU142315545
Gliński, M., Czajka, A., Ulkowska, U., Iwanek, E. M. I., Łomot, D., & Kaszkur, Z.
A Hands-on Guide to the Synthesis of High-Purity and High-Surface-Area Magnesium Oxide.
Catalysts, https://doi.org/10.3390/CATAL12121595
Pradhan, S. R., Paszkiewicz-Gawron, M., Łomot, D., Lisovytskiy, D., & Colmenares, J. C.
Bimetallic TiO2 Nanoparticles for Lignin-Based Model Compounds Valorization by Integrating an Optocatalytic Flow-Microreactor.
Molecules, https://doi.org/10.3390/MOLECULES27248731
Colmenares-Quintero, R. F., Góez-Sánchez, G. D., Colmenares-Quintero, J. C., Latorre-Noguera, L. F., & Kasperczyk, D.
Application of a simulation tool based on a bio-inspired algorithm for optimisation of distributed power generation systems.
Cogent Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1080/23311916.2021.1909791
Giannakoudakis, D. A., Anastopoulos, I., Barczak, M., Terpiłowski, K., Sigarikar, E. M., Shams, M., Coy, E., Bakandritsos, A., Katsoyiannis, I. A., Colmenares, J. C., & Pashalidis, I.
Enhanced uranium removal from acidic wastewater by phosphonate-functionalized ordered mesoporous silica: surface chemistry matters the most.
Journal of Hazardous Materials, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.125279
Colmenares-Quintero, R. F., Maestre-Gongora, G. P., Pacheco-Moreno, L. J., Rojas, N., Stansfield, K. E., & Colmenares-Quintero, J. C.
Analysis of the energy service in non-interconnected zones of Colombia using business intelligence.
Cogent Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1080/23311916.2021.1907970
Prekodravac, J., Kepic, D., Colmenares, J. C., Giannakoudakis, D. A., & Jovanovic, S. P.
A comprehensive review on selected graphene synthesis methods: from electrochemical exfoliation through rapid thermal annealing towards biomass pyrolysis.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, https://doi.org/10.1039/D1TC01316E
Coy, E., Iatsunskyi, I., Colmenares, J. C., Kim, Y., & Mrówczyński, R.
Polydopamine Films with 2D-like Layered Structure and High Mechanical Resilience.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.1c02483
Janiszewska, D., Olchowski, R., Nowicka, A., Zborowska, M., Marszałkiewicz, K., Shams, M., Giannakoudakis, D. A., Anastopoulos, I., & Barczak, M.
Activated biochars derived from wood biomass liquefaction residues for effective removal of hazardous hexavalent chromium from aquatic environments.
GCB Bioenergy, https://doi.org/10.1111/gcbb.12839
Abatal, M., Olguin, M. T., Anastopoulos, I., Giannakoudakis, D. A., Lima, E. C., Vargas, J., & Aguilar, C.
Comparison of Heavy Metals Removal from Aqueous Solution by Moringa oleifera Leaves and Seeds.
Coatings, https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings11050508
Benavides-Castillo, J. M., Carmona-Parra, J. A., Rojas, N., Stansfield, K. E., Colmenares-Quintero, J. C., & Colmenares-Quintero, R. F.
Framework to design water-energy solutions based on community perceptions: Case study from a Caribbean coast community in Colombia.
Cogent Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1080/23311916.2021.1905232
Colmenares-Quintero, R. F., Latorre-Noguera, L. F., Rojas, N., Kolmsee, K., Stansfield, K. E., & Colmenares-Quintero, J. C.
Computational framework for the selection of energy solutions in indigenous communities in Colombia: Kanalitojo case study.
Cogent Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1080/23311916.2021.1926406
Giannakoudakis, D. A., Qayyum, A., Nair, V., Khan, A., Pradhan, S. R., Prekodravac, J., Rekos, K., LaGrow, A. P., Bondarchuk, O., Łomot, D., Triantafyllidis, K. S., & Colmenares, J. C.
Ultrasound-assisted decoration of CuOx nanoclusters on TiO2 nanoparticles for additives free photocatalytic hydrogen production and biomass valorization by selective oxidation.
Molecular Catalysis, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mcat.2021.111664
Madhubashani, A. M. P., Giannakoudakis, D. A., Amarasinghe, B. M. W. P. K., Rajapaksha, A. U., Pradeep Kumara, P. B. T., Triantafyllidis, K. S., & Vithanage, M.
Propensity and appraisal of biochar performance in removal of oil spills: A comprehensive review.
Environmental Pollution, https://doi.org/10.1016/J.ENVPOL.2021.117676
Shams, M., Balouchi, H., Alidadi, H., Asadi, F., Goharshadi, E. K., Rezania, S., Rtimi, S., Anastopoulos, I., Bonyadi, Z., Mehranzamir, K., & Giannakoudakis, D. A.
Coupling electrocoagulation and solar photocatalysis for electro- and photo-catalytic removal of carmoisine by Ag/graphitic carbon nitride: optimization by process modeling and kinetic studies.
Journal of Molecular Liquids, https://doi.org/10.1016/J.MOLLIQ.2021.116917
Colmenares-Quintero, R. F., Quiroga-Parra, D. J., Rojas, N., Stansfield, K. E., & Colmenares-Quintero, J. C.
Big Data analytics in Smart Grids for renewable energy networks: Systematic review of information and communication technology tools.
Cogent Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1080/23311916.2021.1935410
Colmenares-Quintero, R. F., Valderrama-Riveros, O. C., Macho-Hernantes, F., Stansfield, K. E., & Colmenares-Quintero, J. C.
Renewable energy smart sensing system monitoring for off-grid vulnerable community in Colombia.
Cogent Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1080/23311916.2021.1936372
Colmenares, J. C., Ćwieka, K., Czelej, K., Jabłczyńska, K., Werner, Ł., & Gradoń, L.
Supported plasmonic nanocatalysts for hydrogen production by wet and dry photoreforming of biomass and biogas derived compounds: Recent progress and future perspectives.
ChemCatChem, https://doi.org/10.1002/CCTC.202101006
Prekodravac, J. R., Nair, V., Giannakoudakis, D. A., Hsu, S. H.-Y., & Colmenares, J. C.
Homogeneous photocatalysts immobilized on polymeric supports: Environmental and chemical synthesis applications.
Materials Science in Photocatalysis, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-821859-4.00002-7
Colmenares-Quintero, R. F., Rojas-Martinez, E. R., Macho-Hernantes, F., Stansfield, K. E., & Colmenares-Quintero, J. C.
Methodology for automatic fault detection in photovoltaic arrays from artificial neural networks.
Cogent Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1080/23311916.2021.1981520
Ayesha Khan, Michael Goepel, Wojciech Lisowski, Dariusz Łomot, Dmytro Lisovytskiy, Marta Mazurkiewicz-Pawlicka, Roger Gläser, & Carlos Colmenares, J. Titania/chitosan–lignin nanocomposite as an efficient photocatalyst for the selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol under UV and visible light.
RSC Advances, https://doi.org/10.1039/D1RA06500A
Peng, Y., Mak, C. H., Kai, J. J., Du, M., Ji, L., Yuan, M., Zou, X., Shen, H., Santoso, S. P., Colmenares, J. C., Hsu, H., Mater, J., Peng, Y., Hong Mak, C., Kai, J.-J., Du, M., Ji, L., Yuan, M., Zou, X., Shen, H.-H., Santoso, S. P., Colmenares, J.C., Hsu, H.-Y.
Recent Progress on Post-Synthetic Treatments of Photoelectrodes for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, https://doi.org/10.1039/D1TA05935A
Pradhan, S. R., Lisovytskiy, D., & Colmenares, J. C.
Flow photomicroreactor coated with monometal containing TiO2 using sonication: A versatile tool for visible light oxidation.
Catalysis Communications, https://doi.org/10.1016/J.CATCOM.2021.106375
Professional Affiliations and Networking:
- Member of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the Polish Chemical Society, the Polish Club of Catalysis, the American Nano Society, and the Biowaste Industrial Symbiosis network ("the BIS")
- Editorial Board Member for Scientific Reports, a journal published by Springer Nature
- Editorial Board Member for Molecules (Photochemistry Section)
- Participation in the FA COST Action TD1203 “Food waste valorisation for sustainable chemicals, materials & fuels (EUBis)”
- Full Member in the Management Committee of the FPS COST Action FP1306 “Valorisation of lignocellulosic biomass side streams for sustainable production of chemicals, materials & fuels using low environmental impact technologies”
· Nanoengineering of Thin Layers of Semiconductor Photocatalysts for Lignin-based Valorization
Developing nanophotocatalytic layers in microreactors for lignin valorization. Funded by the National Science Centre, Poland.
· Mechanism of Nanostructure Formation and Surface Engineering for Catalysis
Investigating catalytic nanostructures for fuel transformation and emission control. Supported by Horizon 2020 and the Polish Ministry of Science.
· Understanding the Mechanism of Lignin-based Model Molecules Selective Conversions
Exploring ultrasound-assisted photocatalysis for lignin valorization. Funded by the National Science Centre, Poland.
· Nanoengineering of Multicomponent Metal-free Carbonaceous Materials for Bio-oil Upgrading
Metal-free carbon-based photocatalysts for bio-oil valorization. Funded by the National Science Centre, Poland (OPUS-20, 2020/39/B/ST5/00076).
· Integration of Plasmon-induced 2D Supported Atomic Site Catalysts for CO2 Utilization
Plasmonic 2D-supported catalysts for thermo-photocatalytic CO2 conversion. PASIFIC Programme (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Horizon 2020), Polish Academy of Sciences (Project No. 1206768, Acronym: Plasmonic-2DSACs).
· Sustainable Production of Cellulose-based Products for SMEs and Rural Areas (CELISE Project)
Sustainable cellulose-based solutions for SMEs via circular economy. MSCA-RISE (H2020, Project No. 101007733).
· Porous Plasmonic Nanoparticles for Selective Sonophotocatalytic Valorization of Lignin Model Compounds
Developing porous plasmonic nanostructures for hydrogen production and biomass valorization. Funded by The Ulam Programme (BPN/ULM/2022/1/00009), Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange.
· Surface-Interface Engineering in Constructing Multi-Dimensional Hybrid Piezophotocatalysts
Developing hybrid piezophotocatalysts for selective redox organic synthesis in flow systems. Funded by the National Science Centre, Poland (UMO-2023/51/B/ST5/00752).