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On May 9, 2019, the Institute took part in the 23rd Science Picnic of Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Center. The picnic is the largest open-air event in Europe to promote science. Each year it attracts crowds of visitors to Warsaw [recently 50,000 visitors according to the Organizers]. The theme of the 23rd Science Picnic was "We and the machines".
The Institute presented several experiments, practically all of them related to the Picnic topic, i.e. related to machines.
We showed experiments related to optics [inspired by the activities of POB] on an optical table, on which anyone willing could design their own optical system. You could see phenomena such as refraction and total internal reflection, as well as learn about the principle of optical fibers.
We also presented Newton and Benham's disc - a simple and spectacular show that attracts both young and old viewers.
We showed a working ball mill and demonstrations related to mechanochemistry, and a portable Raman spectroscope, with which visitors could perform simple analyzes, for example, to detect nicotine on their hands.