Offer no. 9/17
Polymer molecularly imprinted with p-synephrine and selective chemosensor for electrochemical determination of p-synephrine, with molecularly imprinted polymer film recognition unit
- Summary:
The present invention reveals a polymer molecularly imprinted with the p-synephrine and a selective electrochemical sensor for the p-synephrine determination with a molecularly imprinted polymer film as recognition unit.
Citrus aurantium and Citrus sinensis are widely used in dietary supplements, herbal remedies and folk medicine. p-Synephrine is the main ingredient responsible for their activity. It has the ability to block the β-3 adrenergic receptors responsible for regulating the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. Wide use p-synephrine is accompanied by a serious discussion on the safety of its use. Many studies indicate possible adverse effects of p-synephrine uptake on the cardiovascular system such as elevated blood pressure and heart rate, or cardiac arrhythmias.
Computer modeling results shown that the pre-polymerisation complex of p-synephrine with the selected functional monomer is stable. This is indicated by the high negative increase in free enthalpy accompanying the formation of this complex, calculated by quantum chemical modeling.
Potentiodynamic electropolymerization proved to be very convenient for embedding the MIP layer with the imprinted template, p-synephrine. The resulting chemosensor enabled selective determination of the p-synefrine in the range of 0.10 to 0.99 μM using DPV in the presence of an external redox probe, K4[Fe(CN)6] / K3[Fe(CN)6].
- Inventors:
Patrycja Łach, Maciej Cieplak, Marta Sosnowska, Włodzimierz Kutner
- Advantages / Innovative aspects:
- The most commonly used biogenic amine assays, such as gas chromatography, capillary electrophoresis, or high performance liquid chromatography, are costly and require preliminary, time-consuming and complex sample preparation.
- There are only several examples known in the literature of polymers imprinted with p-synephrine. However, none of them refers to conductive polymers nor the use of MIP films for the construction of selective chemosensors.
- Keywords:
Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs), electrochemical chemosensors, food toxins
- Field:
- Usage:
- Detection and determination of potentially hazardous p-synephrine in dietary supplements and herbal preparations.
- Since 2009, p-synephrine has been included to the monitoring program of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). The potential risk associated with the use of synephrine and the fact that its close analogue - octopamine - has already been announced as an illegal doping agent in 2010, allows to presume that the use of the p-synephrine will soon be banned by WADA
- State of the progress:
stage of research
- Intellectual property rights:
Patent application in Poland