Laboratory of Surface Analysis
- Laboratory leader: dr hab. Inż. Marcin Pisarek, prof. Instytutu
- Name: Laboratory of Surface Analysis
A graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering. Employee of the IPC PAS since 2003. Currently head of the Laboratory of Surface Analysis at the IPC PAS, employed as a professor. Area of scientific interest: materials engineering - physical chemistry of material surfaces, chemistry of materials. Author and co-author of 187 scientific works, index H = 30.
- dr Olga Chernyayeva
- prof. dr hab. Aleksander Jabłoński
- dr inż. Andrzej Kosiński
- dr inż. Mirosław Krawczyk
- dr inż. Kostiantyn Nikiforow
- dr inż. Agata Roguska
- dr Robert Ambroziak
Contact, 22 343 33 25, 22 343 33 25, 22 343 34 03
Laboratory of Surface Analysis is equipped with scientific equipment designed to study the physicochemical processes occurring in the area of several or a dozen atomic monolayers at the surface of solids. The laboratory specializes in determining the qualitative and quantitative chemical composition, as well as the topography and surface structure of materials (solids). The following research methods are used for this purpose: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS - ESCA), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), elastic peak electron spectroscopy (EPES), atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and low-energy electron diffraction (LEED).
List of selected:
- A.Roguska, M.Pisarek, A.Belcarz, L.Marcon, M.Holdynski, M.Andrzejczuk, M.Janik-Czachor, Improvement of the bio-functional properties of TiO2 nanotubes, Applied Surface Science, 388, 775–785, (2016).
- M.Pisarek, M.Holdynski, M.Krawczyk, R.Nowakowski, A.Roguska, A.Malolepszy, L.Stobinski, A.Jablonski, Surface characterization of graphene based materials, Applied Surface Science, 388, 696–703 (2016).
- M.Andrzejczuka, A.Roguska, M.Pisarek, M.Hołdynski, M.Lewandowska, K.J. Kurzydłowski, Morphology of TiO2 nanotubes revealed through electron tomography, Micron, 95 , 35–41, (2017).
- M.Krawczyk, W.Lisowski, M.Pisarek, K.Nikiforow, A.Jablonski, Surface characterization of low-temperature grown yttrium oxide, Applied Surface Science, 437, 347–356 (2018).
- C.J.Powell, A.Jablonski, Effective attenuation length dependence on photoelectron kinetic energy for gold from 1 keV to 10 keV: Role of island growth in overlayer experiments, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 236, 27-32, (2019).
- A.Jablonski, Evaluation of procedures for overlayer thickness determination from XPS intensities, Surface Science, 688, 14-24 (2019).
- R.Ambroziak, M.Hołdyński, T.Płociński, M.Pisarek, A.Kudelski, Cubic Silver Nanoparticles Fixed on TiO2 Nanotubes as Simple and Efficient Substrates for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering, Materials, 12(20), 3373 (2019).
- M.Pisarek, P.Kędzierzawski, M.Andrzejczuk, M.Hołdyński, A.Mikołajczuk‐Zychora, A. Borodziński, M.Janik‐Czachor TiO2 Nanotubes with Pt and Pd Nanoparticles as Catalysts for Electro‐Oxidation of Formic Acid, Materials, 13, 1195 (2020).
- M.Pisarek, M.Krawczyk, M.Hołdyński, W.Lisowski, Plasma Nitriding of TiO2 Nanotubes: N Doping in Situ Investigations Using XPS, ACS Omega, 5 (15), 8647−8658 (2020).
- R.Ambroziak, J.Krajczewski, M.Pisarek, A.Kudelski, Immobilization of Cubic Silver Plasmonic Nanoparticles on TiO2 Nanotubes, Reducing the Coffee Ring Effect in Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Applications, ACS Omega, 5 (23), 13963-13972 (2020).
- M.Krawczyk, M.Pisarek, R.Szoszkiewicz, A.Jablonski, Surface Characterization of MoS2 Atomic Layers Mechanically Exfoliated on a Si Substrate, Materials, 13(16), 3595 (2020).
- I.Goszewska, M.Zienkiewicz-Machnik, W.Błachucki, A.Kubas, D.Giziński, K.Matus, K.Nikiforow, D.Lisovytskiy, A.Śrębowata, J.Szlachetko, J.Sá, Boosting the Performance of Nano-Ni Catalysts by Palladium Doping in Flow Hydrogenation of Sulcatone, Catalysts, 10, 1267 (2020).
- A.Jabłoński, C.J.Powell, Effective attenuation lengths for different quantitative applications of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 49, 033102 (2020).
- A.Jablonski, Universal analytical formulas for the emission depth distribution function for photoelectrons with kinetic energies up to 5000 eV, Surface Science, 706, 121778 (2021).
- A.Majchrowicz, A.Roguska, K.Majchrowicz, M.Pisarek, M.Hołdyński, P.Bazarnik, M.Lewandowska, Influence of microstructural features on the growth of nanotubular oxide layers on β-phase Ti-24Nb-4Zr-8Sn and α+β-phase Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloys, Surface and Coatings Technology, 425, 127695 (2021).
- E.Kowalewski, M.Krawczyk, G.Słowik, J.Kocik, I.S.Pieta, O.Chernyayeva, D.Lisovytskiy, K.Matus, A.Srebowata, Continuous-flow hydrogenation of nitrocyclohexane toward vaule-added products with CuZnAl hydrotalcite derived materials, Applied Catalysis A: General, 618, 118134 (2021).
- E.Kowalewski, B.Zawadzki, K.Matus, K.Nikiforow, A.Srebowata, Continuous-flow hydrogenation over resin supported palladium catalyst for the synthesis of industrially relevant chemicals, Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 132, 717–728 (2021).
- M.Michalska, M.Andrzejczuk, A.Krawczynska, A.Roguska, K.Nikiforow, P.Zurek, A.Sikora, P.Peikertova, The effect of MWCNT modification on structural and morphological properties of Li4Ti5O12, Diamond and Related Materials, 113, 108276 (2021).
- M.Pisarek, M.Krawczyk, A.Kosiński, M.Hołdyński, M.Andrzejczuk, J.Krajczewski, K.Bieńkowski, R.Solarska, M.Gurgul, L.Zaraska, W.Lisowski, Materials characterization of TiO2 nanotubes decorated by Au nanoparticles for photoelectrochemical applications, RSC Advances, 11, 38727 (2021).
- M.Pisarek, R.Ambroziak, M.Hołdyński, A.Roguska, A.Majchrowicz, B.Wysocki, A.Kudelski, Nanofunctionalization of Additively Manufactured Ti-tanium Substrates for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Measurements, Materials, 15, 3108 (2022).
- J.Michalska, M.Sowa, A.Stolarczyk, F.Warchoł, K.Nikiforow, M.Pisarek, G.Dercz, M. Pogorielov, O. Mishchenko, W.Simka, Plasma electrolytic oxidation of Zr-Ti-Nb alloy in phosphate-formate-EDTA electrolyte, Electrochimica Acta, 419, 140375, (2022).
- M.Pisarek, M.Krawczyk, M.Gurgul, L.Zaraska, K.Bieńkowski, M.Hołdyński, R.Solarska, Plasma Assisted N-doped TiO2 Nanotube Array As An Active UV-Vis Photoanodes, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 6(12),10351–10364, (2023).
- M.Pisarek, M.Krawczyk, M.Hołdynski, R.Ambroziak, K.Bienkowski, A.Roguska, J.Krajczewski, A.Kudelski, Hybrid Nanostructures Based on TiO2 Nanotubes with Ag, Au, or Bimetallic Au−Ag Deposits for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Applications, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127(50) 24200–24210, (2023).
- A.T.Krawczynska, A.Michalicha, P.Suchecki, K.Budniak, A.Roguska, M.Kerber, D.Setman, M.Spychalski, B.Adamczyk-Cieslak, M.O.Liedke, M.Butterling, E.Hirschmann, A.Wagner, M.Lewandowska, A.Belcarz, Enhancing anti-adhesion properties by designing microstructure – the microscopy and spectroscopy study of the intercellular bacterial response, Scientific Reports, 14, 2454 , (2024).
- A.Kusior, J.Mazurkow, P.Jelen, M.Bik, S.Raza, M.Wdowiak, K.Nikiforov, J.Paczesny, Copper Oxide Electrochemical Deposition to Create Antiviral and Antibacterial Nanocoatings, Langmuir, 40(29), 14838 – 14846, (2024).
- Vanessa Jurado-Davila, Rafael L. Oliveira, Gabriel Pollo Oshiro, Olga Chernyayeva, Júlia Toffoli de Oliveira, Liliana Amaral Féris, Removal of Sulfadimethoxine in Aqueous Solution by Adsorption on Mesoporous Carbon/Titania Composites: Batch Scale, Fixed-Bed Column, and Bayesian Modeling, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 63, 20848-20861, (2024).
- A.Pancielejko, M.Baluk, H.Głowienke, M.Miodyńska, A.Gołąbiewska, T.Klimczuk, M.Krawczyk, M.Pawlyta, K.Matus, A.Mikolajczyk, H.Pinto, A.Pieczynska, J.Dołżonek, A.Zaleska-Medynska, Cu-incorporated NH2-MIL-125(Ti): A versatile visible-light-driven platform for enhanced photocatalytic H2 generation and CO2 photoconversion, Materials Horizons, 12, 957-972, (2025).
- M.Łępicka, A.Magryś, V.Guduric, A.Roguska, M.U.Rodziewicz, K.Nowicka, M.Wójcik, M.Hołdyński, A.Bernhardt, M.Ptasiewicz, A.Dowbysz, R. Chałas, M.Kalinowska, M.Pisarek, M.Gelinsky, K.J.Kurzydłowski, Talc as an anti-wear functional filler in glass-ionomer cements, Tribology International 201, 110210, (2025).
PHI 5000 VersaProbe II-Hybrid: Scanning ESCA Microprobe (ULVAC-PHI, Japan/USA)