Fotonika i procesy indukowane światłem

Klaster doskonałości nr. 2

Fotonika i procesy indukowane światłem

Koordynator klastra

dr Sylwester Gawinkowski

Tematyka badawcza

The interaction of light with matter, a fundamental and ubiquitous physical process, triggers a broad range of subsequent physical and chemical reactions within the matter. This interaction has led to the development and application of numerous commercial technologies, leveraging the phenomena that arise from light-matter interactions. Research in this domain is vigorously pursued, demonstrating the potential to evolve into innovative products and technologies, eventually leading to their industrialization and commercialization.

The significant importance and development potential of the research carried out by research groups creating the cluster align closely with the European Union's Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023-2024, particularly under Section 7: Digital, Industry, and Space. This research addresses various challenges and issues in the development of light-based technologies or those reliant on light-induced physicochemical processes. Teams within this research cluster are particularly focused on studying the transformation of light pulses through linear and nonlinear processes in both macroscopic and nanoscopic media (such as crystals, crystalline and amorphous nanostructures, and optical fibres). They also explore processes prompted by specially shaped light beams and pulses, especially chemical reactions in both homogeneous and anisotropic media containing nanostructures with unique photonic properties. Additionally, advancements in these areas spur research into the utilization of specific photo-induced processes for detecting various inorganic and biologically or biomedically significant substances in living matter. A shared goal of the teams in this cluster is to understand the physical principles underlying photonic and photon-induced processes, achieve their precise control, and apply them in ultra-sensitive detection technologies. This includes developing pre-commercial prototypes of novel light sources and highly sensitive detection systems that leverage light-induced processes.

Mostly interested in EU cluster Digital, Industry and Space

Zespoły lub laboratoria współtworzące klaster

  • Zespół 3  "Międzynarodowe Centrum Badań Oka - ICTER", kierownik prof. dr hab. Maciej Wojtkowski
  • Zespół 4 „Nanoinżynieria powierzchni do chemo- i bioczujników”, kierownik prof. dr hab. inż. Joanna Niedziółka-Jönsson
  • Zespół 8 „Dynamika dwucząsteczkowych reakcji indukowanych światłem”, kierownik dr hab. Gonzalo Manuel Angulo Núñez, prof. instytutu
  • Zespół 18 „Polimery funkcjonalne”, kierownik dr hab. Piyush Sindhu Sharma, prof. instytutu
  • Zespół 22 „Nanofotonika molekularna”, kierownik dr Sylwester Gawinkowski
  • Zespół 26 "Materiały półprzewodnikowe i urządzenia optoelektroniczne", kierownik dr hab. inż. Daniel Prochowicz, prof. Instytutu
  • Zespół 27 „Ultraszybkie techniki laserowe”, kierownik dr hab. Yuriy Stepanenko, prof. instytutu
  • Zespół 29 „Fotofizyka i spektroskopia układów fotoaktywnych”, kierownik prof. dr hab. Jacek Waluk 
  • Laboratorium Spektroskopii NMR, kierownik dr hab. Piotr Bernatowicz