Job details

Place of work

International Centre for Translational Eye Research (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences), Warsaw, Poland

Funding institution

Foundation for Polish Science

Project description

Project title, type and project number

International Centre for Translational Eye Research, PhD student, MCBO-2_7/2024

Project leader

Prof. Maciej Wojtkowski


The International Centre for Translational Eye Research (ICTER) is a multi-investigator center for eye research related to imaging and biochemical techniques to support advances in understanding the etiology and treatment of human blinding diseases. The new research agenda (carried under International Research Agenda’ project no. FENG.02.01-IP.05-T005/23) aims to develop new tools for safer and more effective surgical interventions, new therapies for eye diseases, and diagnostic methods to improve prognosis and restore vision. The main technology to be developed under this program will be a novel robotic system for delivering drugs to the eye and performing a tissue biopsy, in which a robotic system will assist the micromanipulation of the injection device with 3-D localized imaging.

Further information on the research priorities and current expertise of our Center can be found at

The Institute seeks applicants with a M.Sc. Degree, and experience in computational biology techniques such as neuronal network modeling, electrophysiological data analyses and/or bioinformatics. Candidates should be interested in translational research and the development of new therapies to cure blindness or eye diseases.

The PhD scholar will have a direct impact on lab development and its success in publishing in high impact factor journals. The person will be also responsible for performing dynamic research to create a competitive research group. The position will be assigned to Ophthalmic Biology Group led by Dr. Andrzej Foik, focused on the development of new therapies to prevent/cure blindness, visual information processing in the visual system before and after plasticity that happens due to disease or after vision recovery.

Job description

Number of vacancies


Key responsibilities include

  1. Performing computational biology research: modeling brain and retinal networks;
  2. Helping other group members in data analyses, creating scripts;
  3. Edition of scientific texts and graphics for publications;
  4. Active participation in the creation of grant applications;
  5. Active participation in reporting;
  6. Creation of R&D documentation;
  7. Handling bibliographic databases (eg. Mendeley);
  8. Supervision over students.

Position in the project

PhD student

Job type

Employment contract


6,600 PLN gross

Planned start of work in the project


Planned period of contract/stipend agreement


We offer

1. Part-time (0,9) employment contract;

2. Opportunity to work in an innovative scientific environment;

3. International cooperation with experienced researchers;

4. Competitive salary.


Scientific discipline

Computational biology, neuroinformatics and related


  1. M.Sc. degree in neuroinformatics, bioinformatics or related,
  2. Good programing skills and knowledge of Matlab, Python,
  3. Broad knowledge of data analysis,
  4. Knowledge about neuronal network design,
  5. Knowledge about cell biology and the retina,
  6. Good problem-solving skills and creativity,
  7. Ability to work independently and interact effectively in an interdisciplinary team,
  8. Proficiency in English, both spoken and written.
  9. Attendance at a Ph.D. school or openness to carry out extramural Ph.D. studies.

Key assessment criteria

  • Competences of the candidate with respect to specific tasks in the research project,
  • Documented work experience in eye research,
  • Previous educational/scientific achievements of the candidate.
Required documents
  1. CV (including a list of projects/publications)
  2. Cover letter
  3. Copy of PhD diploma
  4. Opinion about the candidate (1 reference),
  5. Confirmation of attendance at a Ph.D. school, in other cases the possibility of doing external Ph.D. studies
Recruitment procedure

Successful candidates fulfilling the selection criteria and qualifications will be invited for an interview (which will most likely take place in an online format on 27-31.05.2024). The competition results shall be announced by the  end of June 2024.

The competition may be extended until a suitable candidate who fulfills all requirements is found

The International Centre for Translational Eye Research (Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS) is committed to employment equality (esp. European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers) and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates fulfilling the requirements specified in this announcement.

Additional information

Please submit the following documents to:

Specify in the application topic: MCBO-2_7/2024 (REQUIRED)


Application deadline

22.05.2024 0:00

Archival announcement. We would like to thank all candidates for their submitted applications.

Date of announcement: 26.04.2024

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