Job details

Place of work

International Centre for Translational Eye Research (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences)

Funding institution


Project description

Project title, type and project number

International Centre for Translational Eye Research (ICTER) The FENG.02.01-IP.05-T005/23 Project is funded within the International Research Agendas Programme of the Foundation for Polish Science. , MCBO-2_4/2024

Project leader

Prof. Maciej Wojtkowski


The International Centre for Translational Eye Research (ICTER) is a multi-investigator center for eye research as related to imaging and biochemical techniques to support advances in understanding the etiology and treatment of human blinding diseases. The new research agenda (carried under International Research Agenda’ project no. FENG.02.01-IP.05-T005/23) aims to develop new tools for safer and more effective surgical interventions, new therapies for eye diseases, and diagnostic methods to improve prognosis and restore vision. The main technology to be developed under this program will be a novel robotic system for delivering drugs to the eye and performing a tissue biopsy, in which a robotic system will assist the micromanipulation of the injection device with 3-D localized imaging.

Further information on the research priorities and current expertise of our Center can be found at

The PhD student will have a direct impact on lab development and its success in publishing in high impact factor journals. The person will be also responsible for performing dynamic research to create a competitive research group. The positions will be assigned to the Image-guided Devices for Ophthalmic Care (IDoc) group. Within ICTER, the IDoc Laboratory,  seeks to work on development and testing of multi-beams OCT for simultaneous probing of cornea deformation induced with non-contact stimulus. The system will allow for fast screening of early stage keratoconus.

On the other hand, The IDoc lab seeks to develop a novel platform for intraoperative ophthalmic OCT image guidance of roboticaided treatments to fulfil unmet surgical needs in minimally invasive surgery on the eye (anterior and posterior pole). Novel IR shadowless optical sheathing for smart surgical instruments will be developed.

Job description

Number of vacancies


Key responsibilities include

  • Conducting research in accordance with the research project agenda, including: 

- development and testing of a full-field OCT system with Fourier domain for retinal imaging in small animals, 

- operation (data acquisition and processing) of this system as part of the first optoretinography platform to study the retinal phototransduction process;

- development of experiments and processing routines for retinal hemodynamic studies.  

- development of additional measurement systems and data processing methods for OCE.

  • Participation in other research projects undertaken as part of the work of the laboratory as required and agreed;
  • Design and construction of optical measurement systems, either in a laboratory setting or for implementation in a preclinical or clinical setting;
  • Working closely with other members of the Team;
  • Acquisition of experimental results under laboratory or pre-clinical/clinical conditions;
  • Developing methods for processing and analysing the collected data;
  • Conducting research in biophotonics and biomedical optical engineering at a high level and significance, publishing results in peer-reviewed journals and presenting results at conferences and other venues as required;
  • Presenting research activities and results in reports, presentations, scientific publications and presenting them to other members of the team, laboratory, centre or institute, as well as to visitors, peers and potential sponsors;
  • Assisting in the supervision of master’s and undergraduate students, if required
  • Performing other duties as directed

Position in the project

PhD student

Job type

Employment contract


7700 gross/month (1 FTE) (remuneration will be calculated proportionally in case of lower FTE value)

Planned start of work in the project


Planned period of contract/stipend agreement

31st May 2025 (with the possibility of extension, provided that adequate resources are available)

We offer

1. Employment contract;

2. Opportunity to work in an innovative scientific environment;

3. International cooperation with experienced researchers;

4. Competitive salary;

Link to Euraxess website

see website

More details

see website

Scientific discipline

Physics, engineering and optics

Scientific profile of a candidate

First Stage Researcher (R1)


  • Holds a Master’s in engineering, physics, or related fields
  • Background knowledge and documented hands-on experience in at least two of the following:

- Optical and optomechanical system design (e.g. Zemax, Solidworks)

- Micro-optics fabrication and probes

- Practical optical system and device construction and testing

- Image acquisition, processing and visualization (e.g. with LabView, MATLAB, Python)

- OCT, interferometry/holography, Fourier optics

  • Very good written and oral communication skills in English
  • High motivation, analytical skills, and independent thinking
  • Good interpersonal skills, ability to work in a team, collaborative attitude
  • A proactive approach to problem solving, achieving tasks and objectives in a timely manner
  • Eligibility for PhD studies in Poland with current enrolment is preferred
  • Confirmation of attendance at a Pd.D. school, in other cases the possibility of doing external Ph.D. studies

Key assessment criteria

  1. Documented professional experience fitting the profile requirements
  2. Creativity measured by the quality and number of scientific publications, conference submissions/presentations in which the candidate is an author and patent applications/patents, if applicable
  3. Additional relevant courses or certificates
Required documents
  1. CV (including a list of projects/publications)
  2. Scanned copy of the master's diploma
  3. Cover letter
  4. Name and addresses of two references
Recruitment procedure

Application deadline: 10th of May 2024

Successful candidates fulfilling the selection criteria and qualifications will be invited for an interview (which will most likely take place in person on Tuesday 14th of May). The competition results shall be announced by end of May 2024.

The competition may be extended until a suitable candidate who fulfills all requirements is found

The International Centre for Translational Eye Research (Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS) is committed to employment equality (esp. European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers) and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates fulfilling the requirements specified in this announcement.

Additional information

Please submit the following documents to:

Kindly specify in the application topic: MCBO-2_4/2024


Application deadline

10.05.2024 17:00

Planned date of settlement of the competition


Archival announcement. We would like to thank all candidates for their submitted applications.

Date of announcement: 19.04.2024

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