Job details

Recruitment result
Place of work


Funding institution


Project description

Project title, type and project number

NCN OPUS 25, project no. 2023/49/B/ST7/01482, entitled “Novel laser sources by exploiting nonlinear complexity in optical fibers.”, 46/2024

Project leader

Dr inż. Katarzyna Krupa


The project’s goal is to develop
innovative strategies using the
nonlinear complexity of light waves in
optical fibers. We will explore various
nonlinear effects and the spatial,
temporal, and spectral freedoms of
multimode fibers to develop new light
sources and multidimensional light
control techniques. Both single-mode
and multimode fibers will be
considered. Our main objective is to
advance the understanding of
spatiotemporal mode-locking and the
potential of multimode fiber laser
technology, aiming to discover novel
regimes of multiple spatiotemporal
dissipative solitons and soliton
Managing the laser system’s complexity
to achieve desired optical waveforms is a

primary challenge. Machine learning and
optimization procedures offer promising
solutions for this. We propose using
artificial intelligence to explore the
controllability of novel dynamics in
multimode fiber lasers, an area with
significant unexplored potential.

Job description

Number of vacancies


Key responsibilities include

- Developing of fiber lasers mainly
based on multimode fibers.
- Performing research for deeper
understanding spatiotemporal
dynamics of built fiber lasers.
- Performing numerical modelling.
- Data analysis and preparation of
reports, scientific papers and
- Participating in supervising of work
of Master student and/or Ph.D.


Position in the project


Job type

• Type of contract: temporary • Status: full-time employment • Hours Per Week: 40


Around 9650 PLN gross

Planned start of work in the project


Planned period of contract/stipend agreement

6 months with a possible extension up 12 months.

We offer

We offer a post-doctoral position (fulltime
employment) in the Institute of
Physical Chemistry PAS with a gross
salary of Around 9650 PLN gross
per month financed from the NCN NCN
OPUS 25, project no.
2023/49/B/ST7/01482, entitled “Novel
laser sources by exploiting nonlinear
complexity in optical fibers.”
100% of the work time of Postdoc will be
devoted to the realization of the
proposed project. The offer is for 6
months with a possible extension up 12

Career development prospects at IPC PAS

The successful candidate will benefit in
form of the knowledge and methods
developed in the laboratory.
We plan to publish the results of the work
in high impact factor journals.
The successful candidate will be eligible
for all programs at the IPC PAS, including
the IPC PAS Young Scientists competition
and the IPC PAS Young Scientists Mobility
Institute provides an opportunity to
participate in ERASMUS+ programme.

Link to Euraxess website

see website

Scientific profile of a candidate

Recognised Researcher (R2)


- Ph.D. in Laser Physics, or related
discipline obtained no earlier than 7 years
before the starting year of the
employment in the project (this period
might be longer due to family reasons
(according to NCN rules) and no later than
the start date of employment in the
project. For researchers with multiple
PhDs, the date of the first PhD awar is
deemed the reference date.
- Fluency in English.
- Practical experience in one or more of
the following fields: fiber optics, nonlinear
optics, laser, ultrafast optics.
- Hands on experience in building and
characterizing fiber lasers.
- Experience is numerical modelling of
nonlinear effects in optical fibers and / or
fiber lasers will be strongly appreciated.
- Strong sense of creativity.
- Strong communication skills.
- Strong ability for independent working
and for team working.
- Willing to acquire new skills and

Key assessment criteria

The Recruitment Commission will take
into account the following criteria:
a) competencies of candidates for specific
tasks in a research project,
b) previous scientific achievements of
c) awards and distinctions of the
candidate resulting from the conducted
d) presented opinions via.
recommendation letters
e) level of English
f) communication skills

Required documents

- CV including publication list (only JCR-list
journals), research stays, projects leaded
and performed and other achievements
(up to 3 pages max.)
- Motivation letter (1 page).
- Up to 5 most important full-text papers
or patents relevant to the project (at least
one) from 10 last years
- 1 recommendation letter.
- Certificates of fluency in English, if
- Documents confirming the scientific
degrees (copies of Master, PhD, other
degrees’ diplomas – if applicable).

Recruitment procedure

• The application deadline is on the
11.10.2024 , 12:00 noon
Applications should be sent to IMPORTANT!
email subject: “Recruitment no
46/2024 ” (emails without this number
will not be considered)
• Top candidates can be invited for an
online or in-person interview (14-
18.10.2024). We reserve the right to
contact and reply to only selected
• The position will be offered to the
person with the highest evaluation by
the Recruitment Committee.
• The results of the recruitment are
planned to be announced on the
• Employment will take place in
accordance with the provisions of the
competition documentation of the
National Science Center (NSC) for the
and Employment policy of the Institute
of Physical Chemistry PAS
• The incomplete applications will not
be considered
• The results of the competition are
made public.
• Candidates who have been issued a
negative opinion by the Competition
Committee or candidates not selected
for employment have the right to appeal
against the results of the evaluation.
The appeal shall be lodged with the
Director of the Institute within 7 days
from the date of receipt of the
appropriate information. The decision of
the Director of the Institute shall be
Appeals should be sent to the following
email address:
If the top candidate does not sign the
contract due to the resignation, we
reserve the right to choose the next
candidate from the ranking list.

Additional information

Candidate must meet formal
a) the project leader was not the
supervisor or co-supervisor of the
candidate doctoral dissertation;
b) obtained a doctoral degree in an
entity other than the entity where
employment in this position is planned,
or completed at least 10 months of
continuous and documented
postdoctoral internship in an entity
other than the entity implementing the
project and in a country other than the
country of obtaining the doctoral
c) will be employed for a period of
no less than 6 months;
d) during the period of receiving this
remuneration will not receive any other
remuneration from funds granted
as direct costs from research projects
financed under NCN competitions;
e) during the period of receiving this
remuneration will not receive
remuneration from another employer
on the basis of an employment contract,
including an employer based outside
f) during the period of receiving this
remuneration will not receive
retirement benefits from the social
insurance system

For more details about the position
please visit: Contact person: Katarzyna Krupa;
Phone: +48 22 343 30 52

Name of the post and its definition in
the meaning of the grant

A post-doc type post is a full-time post,
scheduled by the project’s principal
investigator for a person who has been
conferred a PhD degree in the year of
employment in the project or within 7
years before 1 January of the year of
employment in the project. For
researchers with multiple PhDs, the date
of the first PhD award is deemed the
reference date. This period may be
extended by a time of long-term (in
excess of 90 days) documented sick
leaves or rehabilitation leaves granted on
account of being unfit to work. In
addition, the period may be extended by
the number of months of a childcare leave

granted pursuant to the Labour Code and
in the case of women, by 18 months for
every child born or adopted, whichever
manner of accounting for career breaks is


Application deadline

11.10.2024 12:00

Planned date of settlement of the competition


Archival announcement. We would like to thank all candidates for their submitted applications.

Date of announcement: 17.09.2024

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