Job details

Recruitment result
Place of work

INSITUTE OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY PAS Physical Optics and Biophotonics Group, Research group no. 3

Funding institution


Project description

Project title, type and project number

OPUS-26 Project No. 2023/51/B/NZ7/02366 entitled “Light-induced photoreceptor morphological changes – Towards objective and impartial diagnostics in ophthalmology", 39/2024

Project leader

dr Humberto Fernandes


This project aims to test if phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6) is the molecular driver behind an Optoretinography (ORG) biomarker, to further characterize PDE6 from a structural point of view, to clarify its activation mechanisms, and link the morphological changes and potential anomalies observed in photoreceptors upon light stimulation with a specific biological molecular pathway. This will then allow better diagnosis and serve as a tool to track disease surgency and its development, test new drugs, and evaluate the efficacy of treatments. The quest for non-invasive and impartial diagnostics that rely on functional imaging is the holy grail in ophthalmology and other clinical fields. Non-invasive functional imaging is a perfect approach to image changes in the retina, and this field develops extremely fast. The recent development in the Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) field allows direct imaging of photoreceptors, and offers a new biomarker with the measurement of morphological changes detected upon light stimulus. The outer segments of rod and cone photoreceptors, which are composed of stacks of discs, are known to physically change dimensions along their axes upon light stimulation in a process that is not understood at the molecular level. This observation is currently of great interest and has been explored by multiple groups, due to its potential value as a diagnostic tool. There are distinct explanations for this phenomenon. We hypothesize that PDE6 is involved in photoreceptor size changes upon light stimulation (and thus identify the molecular driver of an already proven new biomarker for retina function).

Job description

Number of vacancies


Key responsibilities include

The postdoc will be responsible for planning and executing structural biology and bioinformatic experiments. Namely cryo grid preparation, data collection and processing of cryoEM Tomography and cryoSXT tomograms. It will also be responsible for the design and execution of computational modelling and simulations, predicting supra-macromolecular assemblies, and structure-based drug discovery/design. Additional tasks will include data analysis, writing manuscripts for publication, conference participation, and helping supervise PhD students.

Basic responsibilities are as follows:.

•           Scientific initiative and contribution through regular reporting and publishing, as well as presenting at group meetings, and national and international conferences;

•           Proactive approach to achieving objectives

•           Providing help and supervision to junior members of the group, and creating protocols and R&D documentation

•             Contribution to the efficient functioning of the lab, including necessary organizational tasks.


Position in the project

POST DOC position

Job type

• Type of contract: temporary • Status: full-time employment • Hours Per Week: 40


Around 9650PLN gross

Planned start of work in the project


Planned period of contract/stipend agreement

46 months (with periodic performance evaluations) with a possible extension

We offer

We offer a post-doctoral position (full-time employment) in the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS with a gross salary of around 9650 PLN per month financed from the NCN OPUS-26 Project No. 2023/51/B/NZ7/02366 100% of the work time of Postdoc will be devoted to the realization of the proposed project.

The offer is for 46  months (with periodic performance evaluations ) with a possible extension.

Career development prospects at IPC PAS

The successful candidate will benefit in the form of new knowledge and methods added to his/her toolbox. The project deals with structural biology and bioinformatics, so any profile of the candidate will find some new knowledge to be gained upon realization of the project.

We plan to publish the results of the work in high-impact factor journals.

The successful candidate will be eligible for all programs at the IPC PAS, including the IPC PAS Young Scientists competition and the IPC PAS Young Scientists Mobility competition.

Institute provides an opportunity to participate in ERASMUS+ programme.

More details

see website

Scientific profile of a candidate

Recognised Researcher (R2)


PhD degree in chemical or physical sciences, obtained in the year of employment in the project or within 7 years before 1 January of the year of employment in the project. For researchers with multiple PhDs, the date of the first PhD award is deemed the reference date. Extension might apply according to National Science Centre, Poland, rules

  1. Publication record and rich (mobility) scientific experience.
  2. Ability to work independently as well as in a group.
  3. Significant research achievements in protein biology, functional assays, structural biology and bioinformatics.
  4. Familiar with structural biology techniques such as X-ray crystallography, cryoEM, cryoET, cryoSXT, and TEM, and knowledge in vision sciences. Moreover, experience with computational modelling and simulations, predicting supra-molecular assemblies, and structure-based drug discovery/design is desired.
  5. Ability to communicate fluently in English (written and spoken).
  6. Strong motivation to work and pursue scientific questions, creativity, and analytical thinking.
  7. Research experience in related fields will be advantageous.
  8. Experience in leveraging best practices from the research community;
  9. Experience in supervising and teaching students.


Key assessment criteria

•           competencies of candidates for specific tasks in a research project, (max 70 points),

•           previous scientific achievements of candidates, (max  20 points),

•           awards and distinctions of the candidate resulting from the conducted research, (max  5 points).

•             presented opinions via. recommendation letters, (max  5 points).

Required documents

•             cover motivation letter,

•             professional curriculum vitae,

•             scan or photocopy of candidate's PhD degree[AS1] ,

•             a list of scientific achievements (publications, patents, conference presentations, etc.),

Recruitment procedure

The application deadline is on the 12/09/2024 12:00 noon

Applications should be sent to IMPORTANT! email subject: “39/2024” (emails without this number will not be considered)

• Top candidates can be invited for an online or in-person interview (on 16th or 17th of September 2024). We reserve the right to contact and reply to only selected candidates.

• The position will be offered to the person with the highest evaluation by the Recruitment Committee.

• The results of the recruitment are planned to be announced on the 26/09/2024 .

• Employment will take place in accordance with the provisions of the competition documentation of the National Science Center (NSC) for the OPUS-26 contest

and Employment policy of the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS .

• Incomplete applications will not be considered” – failure to send a complete set of documents automatically results in the application not being considered.


• The results of the competition are made public.

• Candidates who have been issued a negative opinion by the Competition Committee or candidates not selected for employment have the right to appeal against the results of the evaluation. The appeal shall be lodged with the Director of the Institute  within 7 days from the date of receipt of the appropriate information. The decision of the Director of the Institute shall be final.

Appeals should be sent to the following email address:

•If the top candidate does not sign the contract due to the resignation, we reserve the right to choose the next candidate from the ranking list.

Additional information

The successful candidate for the postdoctoral position shall, for the full term of their employment within the project, be obligated to maintain compliance with the following conditions[AS1] :

- their PhD degree has been awarded by another institution than the one planned to employ them at this post or they have completed a continuous and evidenced post-doctoral fellowship of at least 10 months in another institution than the host institution for the project and in another country than the one in which they have been conferred a PhD degree

- at the time of receiving remuneration, they will not be receiving any other remuneration paid from the funds granted to research projects under NCN calls under the heading of direct costs;

-in the period of receiving the remuneration they will be receiving no remuneration from another employer pursuant to an employment contract, including an employer with registered office outside of Poland. and

- they will be employed for a period of at least 6 months


Application deadline

12.09.2024 12:00

Planned date of settlement of the competition


Archival announcement. We would like to thank all candidates for their submitted applications.

Date of announcement: 28.08.2024

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