Molecular Nanophotonics
Group leader
Dr. Sylwester Gawinkowski
Research topics
We conduct research on the optical and spectroscopic properties of nanostructures, nanoparticles, and nanomaterials, as well as their interactions with molecules and chemical compounds. Our goal is to understand the mechanisms governing the processes occurring in these nanosystems, which will enable their wide application in modern technologies. To this end, we apply and refine spectroscopic and microscopic techniques, especially those allowing for ultra-sensitive detection and identification at the single-molecule level. Our studies on the optical, electronic, and structural properties of materials and their components allow for a deeper understanding of how the structure and composition of optically active nanoassemblies affect their functionality and potential applications as photoactive materials, used in ultra-sensitive optical detection, photoelectronics, and photochemistry.
- Dr. Daria Larowska-Zarych
- Dr. Eng. Kamila Łępicka
- Dr. Thanyada Sukmanee
- Dr. Mateusz Brzeziński
- M.Sc. Eng. Patryk Pyrcz
- Julia Kolczyńska
1. Advancements in surface-enhanced femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy: exploring factors influencing detectability and shapes of spectra
P Pyrcz, S Gawinkowski
Nanophotonics (2024)
2. Genetically engineered yeast cells enriched with nanocomposites containing a natural enzyme and nanozyme for the construction of microbial sensors
N Stasyuk, A Zakalskiy, W Nogala, M Holdynski, S Gawinkowski, O Zakalska, O Demkiv, Y Salyha, M Gonchar
Electrochimica Acta (2024) 497, 144605,
3. Expanding the range of graphene energy transfer with multilayer graphene
K Gronkiewicz, L Richter, F Knechtel, P Pyrcz, P Leidinger, S Günther, E Ploetz, P Tinnefeld, I Kamińska Nanoscale (2024) 16, 13464,
4. Dissociation constants of relevant secondary organic aerosol components in the atmosphere
A Kołodziejczyk, A Wróblewska, M Pietrzak, P Pyrcz, K Błaziak, R Szmigielski Chemosphere, (2024) 351, 141166,
5. A reagentless amperometric biosensor for creatinine assay based on recombinant creatinine deiminase and N-methylhydantoin-sensitive CoCu nanocomposite
N Stasyuk, A Zakalskiy, W Nogala, S Gawinkowski, T Ratajczyk, M Bonarowska, O Demkiv, O Zakalska, M Gonchar
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2023) 393, 134276,
6. Multimodal microscope system for hyperspectral imaging of scattering directionality and Raman excitation spectroscopy
A Amirsalari, S Razi, S Gawinkowski Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (2023) 54 (9), 976,
7. Toward the Detection Limit of Electrochemistry: Studying Anodic Processes with a Fluorogenic Reporting Reaction
S Linfield, S Gawinkowski, W Nogala Analitical Chemistry (2023) 95 (30), 11227–11235,
8. Tuneable-Wavelength Nanosecond Laser Tailoring of Plasmon Resonance Spectra of Gold Nanoparticle Colloids
T Sukmanee, M Szuster, A Gorski, M Hołdyński, S Gawinkowski Nanoscale Advances (2023) 5, 3697-3704,
1. How to see the invisible? Dark plasmonic modes and dark electronic molecular states visualisation with Raman and luminescence excitation spectroscopy
NCN SONATA BIS 2023/50/E/ST4/00600 Project leader: S. Gawinkowski
2. Fast molecular dynamics in plasmonic nanocavities
NCN OPUS 2020/39/B/ST4/01523 Project leader: S. Gawinkowski
3. Crystalline organic porous polymers upconverting light energy
NCN SONATA 2022/47/D/ST5/01375 Project carried out in consortium with Ensemble3 Ltd.