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The idea behind the festival is that the events take place directly where the scientist works: in laboratories, experimental and seminar rooms. The speakers are scientists working at the institutions participating in the festival. This formula allows for demonstrations and experiments, as well as visits to laboratories.
During the festival, we conducted various lectures dedicated to both primary and secondary school students.
The lesson "Gases, liquids, solids" with experiments and practical exercises focusing on the states of matter, and phases transition, but also highlighted the role of experiment in the life sciences.
“How physicist and chemist look at life - what for a biologist needs physicochemistry?” lesson combineing history and latest achievements in the field of optical imaging.
The lesson "New technologies in imaging of living tissues and cells" developed and delivered by prof. Maciej Wojtkowski. It was intended for students of the last year of high school, interested in research and science. The lecture discussed the latest problems of optical imaging and achievements in this field, but in a form that is accessible to students without specialist knowledge.