Summary of the IChF Microsymposium 2025

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Summary of the IChF Microsymposium 2025

From January 13 to 15, 2025, the Institute of Physical Chemistry (IChF) hosted its annual reporting Microsymposium, which, for the first time, included participation from the International Advisory Board (IAB) of IChF. The event served as a platform for inspiring knowledge exchange, achievements, and a comprehensive summary of 2024. This three-day event provided an in-depth review of the current research directions at IChF and facilitated direct dialogue between researchers and the IAB members. This year’s Microsymposium was exceptional not only for its substantive value but also because it marked the first meeting of the IAB, established in October 2024, which elevated the importance of the event.

On the first day, during the official inauguration of the Microsymposium in the auditorium, Director Adam Kubas presented the structure and achievements of IChF within the Polish R&D ecosystem, as well as in the broader context of European and global science. He also introduced the IChF community to the members of the International Advisory Board (IAB). Subsequently, attendees had the opportunity to listen to presentations by research group leaders who showcased key projects representing key areas of the three Clusters of Excellence. Among the speakers were Dr. Bartłomiej Wacław (Cluster 1), Prof. Gonzalo Angulo (Cluster 2), Prof. Juan Carlos Colmenares (Cluster 3), and Prof. Maciej Wojtkowski, who presented the achievements of ICTER in translational eye research. Deputy Scientific Director, Dr. hab. Jan Paczesny, acted as the session chair and moderated Q&A sessions after each presentation. The afternoon featured the first poster session, where research from Groups 1-16 was presented.

The second day of the Microsymposium included meetings between IAB members and the heads of teams and laboratories that comprise the three Clusters of Excellence at IChF. These discussions aim to help the IAB prepare a report that will assist the IChF management in developing a cohesive strategy for the Institute’s growth in the coming years. The day concluded with the second poster session, showcasing research from Groups 17-32, as well as ICTER.

The third day was dedicated to crucial meetings and consultations. Members of the IAB met with research team leaders and the ICTER management to discuss, among other topics, progress on grant projects funded by the Foundation for Polish Science (MAB) and the Teaming for Excellence Horizon Europe program. The Microsymposium also featured meetings with the Doctoral Student Council, where students shared their experiences and engaged in constructive dialogue with the IAB. The Council members particularly appreciated the IAB’s interest in their perspectives, as reflected in a quote shared below:

“We discussed the challenges doctoral students face at the Institute and beyond. The IAB asked thoughtful questions about pursuing a PhD, the duties and responsibilities of the PhD Council and its members, our communication with the Institute’s leadership, strategies for addressing challenges, our finances, and the events we organize and attend. As this year’s newly elected PhD Council, joined by last year’s representatives, we appreciated the opportunity to reflect on the transition between councils and share insights about our roles and experiences. We are particularly grateful for IAB’s genuine curiosity about our processes and their engagement with our perspectives. We would also like to thank the former Council for their invaluable guidance and support in ensuring a smooth transition."

— Ariba Aziz, Katarzyna Dusiło, Dominik Korol, Klaudia Staśkiewicz, and Wiktor Kulesza, IChF PhD Council.

At the end of the Microsymposium, members of the IAB met with the IChF Board of Directors to discuss strategic issues related to the further development of the Institute. Topics included planned research directions and projects within EU consortia and beyond, as well as potential areas of innovation that will form the foundation for IChF’s continued expansion and international collaboration.

Summary of the Microsymposium in the words of IAB Members

Members of the International Advisory Board shared their impressions of the Microsymposium, expressing their appreciation for the quality of research conducted at IChF and the commitment of the entire Institute community to the success of the event. Below are some statements from IAB members:

Prof. Stefan Bräse (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany): “The Microsymposium 2025 showcased fruitful interactions between the International Advisory Board and the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, highlighting a collaborative spirit and shared dedication to advancing scientific innovation.”

Prof. Benjamin Dietzek-Ivanšić (Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, Germany): “Participating in the IChF Microsymposium in January 2025 provided me with the inspiring opportunity to learn about the science done at IChF. The interdisciplinary discussions, the excellent results and the very engaged and dedicated PhD students and postdocs made the event memorable.”

Prof. Cristina Flors (IMDEA Nanoscience, Spain): “Visiting IChF for the first time has been a wonderful experience. As a member of the International Advisory Board, it is an honor to help shaping the future of the institute as a model of excellence. I truly thank the staff and students for making me feel so welcome.”

Prof. Lars Jeuken (Leiden University, the Netherlands): “Joining the IChF Microsymposium gave the IAB a great opportunity to see the breath and excellence of science that is pursued IChF. It was great to not only speak with the principal investigators, but also with all PhD students and Post Doctoral researchers, who together provide the IChF with a friendly, cutting-edge and vibrant research environment.”

Prof. Elena Ferapontova (Aarhus University, Denmark): “The Microsymposium and related activities showcased the Institute's unique and dynamic scientific environment, fostering highly competitive research at both national and international levels across nearly all scientifically and technologically demanded areas of Physical Chemistry. The International Advisory Board had an exceptional opportunity to engage closely with the IChF scientific community at various levels, as well as with the management, providing insights and recommendations to further enhance the Institute’s performance on both national and global scales.”

Recognition for outstanding poster presentations

After a thorough evaluation, discussions with the authors, and assessment of each poster, the International Advisory Board recognized the following posters as outstanding:

  • Poster nr 28. Bacterial population dynamics in an in vitro model of urinary infections – K. Drabik, J. Cholewa-Wacław, B. Wacław
  • Poster nr 58. Photo-/piezo-/sonocatalysis for sustainable technologies and organic transformations – H. Sudrajat, A. Qayyum, D. Łomot, A. Malek Djaballah, B. Hashemi Hosseini, M. Paszkiewicz-Gawron, P. Martinez Marco, J. Carlos Colmenares
  • Poster nr 57. Tunable four-wave mixing based light source for nonlinear imaging applications - C. Corso, B. Fabjanowicz, M. Pielach, A. Jamrozik, Y. Stepanenko, K. Krupa
  • Poster nr 40. Green silver nanomaterials as oxygen reduction reaction catalysts – A. Johnson Sudagar, N. V. Rangam, M. Bonarowska, A. Wiśniewska, J. Sadlo, J. Tóth, L. Kövér, G. Trykowski, W. Kutner, B. Lesiak-Orłowska, K. R. Noworyta
  • Poster nr 60. Synthesis of Chitosan-Lignin Catalysts for Sono-photocatalytic Reactions: The Role of Sonication and Isotropic Solvents – B. Hashemi Hosseini, A. Malek Djaballah, D. Łomot, J. Carlos Colmenares

The Audience Award was won by the work:

  • Poster nr 39. Contribution of in-cloud Aging Processes into Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation in the Atmosphere: Kinetic and Product Studies – K. Pawlak, A. Błaziak, B. Witkowski, T. Gierczak, R. Szmigielski

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the authors of the awarded projects.

Director’s acknowledgment

Director Adam Kubas expressed his gratitude for the engagement of all Microsymposium participants:

“I would like to sincerely thank all IChF employees for their active participation in the Microsymposium, which provided an excellent opportunity to learn about the results of your scientific work. As every year, it was also a great chance to summarize the progress of research conducted at IChF. I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the International Advisory Board for their exceptional dedication. The Board will soon prepare a report highlighting our strengths and areas that require further attention, which will serve as a roadmap for us in striving for even higher scientific and operational excellence.”

Author: Dr. Anna Przybyło-Józefowicz

Photos: Grzegorz Krzyżewski

Graphics: Władysław Żolik

  • Author: Dr. Anna Przybyło-Józefowicz
  • Photo source: Grzegorz Krzyżewski, Graphics: Władysław Żolik
  • Date: 27.01.2025