Offer no. 4/16
Method of fabrication of cross-linked metallic nanoparticle monolayers (membranes) at the liquid-liquid interface and the interfacial area reducing device used in this process.
- Summary:
The invention discloses a new method stable, cross-linked nanoparticle monolayers fabrication in the form of membranes with the thickness of one nanoparticle diameter. The obtained monolayers are composed of metallic nanoparticles, such as gold, silver, palladium, platinum nanoparticles or mixtures of the above mentioned nanoobjects. In the fabrication method self-assembly processes at the liquid-liquid interface are utilized. An essential element of the invention is the design of the IRS system, which allows for the arbitrary reduction of the interfacial area accessible to the nanoparticles, which makes decreasing of the interparticle distance possible, as well as fabrication of stable membranes (of up to several cm2 area) after the addition of the cross-linking agent by linking the nanoparticles via covalent bonds. The IRS system is an cheap alternative to the costly Langmuir-Blodgett trough.
- Inventors:
Tomasz Andryszewski, Michalina Iwan, Marcin Fiałkowski
- Advantages / Innovative aspects:
- The self-assembly process is conducted in a specially designed system, which can be easily manufactured due to the low cost (manufacturing cost does not exceed 2 PLN) and accessibility of the materials.
- The production of metallic monolayers does not require the use of the expensive Langmuir-Blodgett trough.
- This process allows for the fabrication of covalently cross-linked metallic monolayers with an area of several cm2, constructed of metallic nanoparticles, such as gold, silver, palladium, platinum nanoparticles or arbitrary mixtures of these nanoparticles.
- The monolayer fabrication process takes place at the liquid-liquid interface
- The system has a self-regulatory mechanism, thanks to which the structure of the fabricated membranes consists always of a monolayer of metallic nanoobjects
- Keywords:
Metallic nanoparticles, covalently cross-linked metallic monolayer, self-assembly process at the liquid-liquid interface
- Field:
- Usage:
The method can be successfully used by research groups and companies, that specialize in the fabrication of modern, state-of-art electronic systems, such as photovoltaic cells and OLED diodes. Moreover, the fabricated membranes may be used as SERS substrate. Inorganic substances, inorganic chemistry, ecology, recycling.
- State of the progress:
stage of readiness to introduction
- Intellectual property rights:
Patent applications in Poland, possibility to extend protection abroad