Offer no. 27/14
A new conducting bis(bithiophene) polymer molecularly imprinted with 2,4,6-trinitrophenol, a method of its preparation and its application for selective detection and/or determination of nitroaromatic explosives with using fluorescence spectroscopy
- Summary:
A new conducting polymer molecularly imprinded (MIP) with 2,4,6-trinitrophenol was devised and fabricated for use as the recognition unit of a chemosensor for selective recognition, due to p-p stacking interactions, and determination of 2,4,6-trinitrophenol. For that, the bis(2,2'-bithienyl)-(4-aminophenyl)methane functional monomer and 3,3'-bis[2,2'-bis(2,2'-bithiophene-5-yl)]thianaphthene, which played the role of both the cross-linking monomer and fluorophore, were used. The 2,4,6-trinitrophenol recognition signals of the MIP film were transduced to analytical signals of the changes of fluorescence intensity of the MIP film using fluorescent spectroscopy.
- Inventors:
Tan Phat Huynh, Agnieszka Wojnarowicz, Alina Majka, Piotr Woźnicki, Paweł Borowicz, Francis D'Souza, Włodzimierz Kutner
- Advantages / Innovative aspects:
- Functional monomer enable rapid and selective recognition of 2,4,6-trintrophenol in the presence of its structural analogues, as well as signal transdaction, due to fluoresce properties of the molecularly imprinted polymer.
- Simle and fast method of preparing of recognition film, based on direct deposinion on the surface of the transducer of the chemosensor via electropolymerization.
- Keywords:
2,4,6-trinitrophenol, nitroaromatic explosive, thiophene, electropolymerization, molecularly imprinted polymer, fluorescence chemosensor
- Field:
- Usage:
The chemosensor is suitable for detrmination of 2,4,6-trinitrophenol in body fluids as well as determination of other nitroexplosive. Organic substances, Analytical chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Diagnostics, Toxicology, Measuring sensors, Chemical techniques, Dangerous materials
- State of the progress:
stage of research
- Intellectual property rights:
Patent application in Poland