Offer no. 26/14
Novel spectrometric method of gold content determination in solutions and porous structures containing gold nanoparticles
- Summary:
The invention discloses a novel spectrometric method, which enables a quantitative determination of the content of gold in porous materials as well as solutions containing gold nanoobjects. The method describes the digestion reaction, as well as the method of preparation and titer determination of reference samples, whose durability is at least six months. Moreover, the method is not limited by the type of organic or nonorganic ligands coating the gold nanoobjects surface. The scope of applicability of the method is 9 150 mg Au in the analyte.
- Inventors:
Tomasz Andryszewski, Michalina Iwan, Patrycja Kalińska, Marcin Fiałkowski, Robert Hołyst
- Advantages / Innovative aspects:
- High durability of the calibrators solutions (6 months minimum)
- Keywords:
Gold nanoparticles, gold content determination, Uv-Vis technic
- Field:
- Usage:
Direct, quantitative method of gold content determination in aqueous solutions, porous structures and on surfaces of solid materials. Inorganic substances, Analytical chemistry, Methods and analytical apparatus, Chemical techniques, Optical Techniques
- State of the progress:
Project completed
- Intellectual property rights:
Patent application in Poland, patent in Europe