Offer no. 2/19
DNA Origami surface chemistry converter
- Summary:
Graphene is a unique 2D material with promising applications in the nanotechnology. A main limitation has been the problem of selective and controlled chemical modification without disturbing its properties. This constrains usefulness of graphene especially in electronic and optical sensing applications. Here we overcome this problem using DNA origami surface chemistry converters. DNA origamis are programmed nanostructures of roughly 21.000 nm3. We show that by incorporating pyrene moieties on specific DNA strands we can selectively place DNA origami nanostructures on top of graphene. As DNA origami nanostructures can be functionalized in many other ways, the surface chemistry can be adapted from a graphene surface to many other chemical functionalities.
- Inventors:
- Advantages / Innovative aspects:
- modification of graphene surface chemistry without disturbing its properties,
- using pyrene moieties to place DNA origami structures on graphene without their denaturation,
- placing of single organic dye molecules at the controlled distance from graphene surface (1 – 60 nm),
- placing of more than one type of single dye molecules at the controlled distance from graphene surface, at various distances within one DNA origami structure;
- controlled and precise (~1 nm) placing on graphene surface any moiety which can be incorporated within DNA origami (for example proteins);
- fluorescence assay can be placed at a distance to graphene surface that exhibits highest sensitivity to fluorescence changes;
- can be extended to other 2D materials than graphene;
- can be combined with electrical actuation or.
- Keywords:
Graphene, DNA origami, fluorescence, single molecules, energy transfer, surface chemistry, pyrene
- Field:
- Usage:
- fluorescence assays,
- optical sensors,
- voltage sensors
- State of the progress:
stage of research
- Intellectual property rights:
European Application