Offer no. 2/17
Device for passive division of droplets into emulsions and for marking emulsion, and method of passive division of droplets into emulsions and of marking emulsions
- Summary:
The described invention is a method of passive division of multiple aqueous droplets into emulsions of monodisperse droplets dispersed in oil, and marking each emulsion spatially, and microfluidic device for of passive division of multiple aqueous droplets into emulsions of monodisperse droplets dispersed in oil, and marking each emulsion spatially according to the method. The emulsification is passive, and the production of emulsions of monodisperse droplets is realized without pressure sources, such as syringe pumps, dedicated solely for clearing the vicinity of the emulsifier.
- Inventors:
Witold Postek, Tomasz Kamiński, Piotr Garstecki
- Advantages / Innovative aspects:
- The invention allows for emulsification of multiple mother-droplets in a microfluidic device,
- Removing the generated droplets from the vicinity of the emulsifier and generating highly monodisperse droplets is realized without the need for dedicated sources of pressure, e.g. syringe pumps,
- Spatial marking of emulsions allows for identification of each emulsion without using chemical markers for emulsions.
- Keywords:
emulsion, step emulsification, droplet library
- Field:
- Usage:
The invention might be used In such applications as medical diagnostics by droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR) supported by algorithms for rational designing of digital assays, screening tests of drugs or antibiotics on populations of cells or on single cells, production of functional particles, e.g. based on hydrogels.
- State of the progress:
stage of research
- Intellectual property rights:
Patent application in Poland