Offer no. 2/16
Protein pVII with a point mutation of a filamentous M13 bacteriophage, and its specific properties for binding to the carbon nanofibers
- Summary:
In this invention a protein pVII with a point mutation of a filamentous M13 (pVII-mutant-M13) that selectively binds to the carbon nanofibers (CNF) is presented (Fig. 1). The efficiency of binding between pVII-mutant-M13 and CNF is about two orders of magnitude higher compared to the pVII-M13 (Fig. 2). Binding affinity between the pVII-mutant-M13 and CNF was also characterized using atomic force microscopy (Fig. 4) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (Fig. 5), which confirmed the specificity of the interaction of the pVII-mutant-M13 and the CNF - the binding occurs via phage's ending where the mutated pVII protein is located. Protein pVII binds very weak to graphite (Gr) but does not to other carbon nanomaterials such as: reduced graphene oxide (rGO), single- (SWCNT) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT). It was confirmed by calculated binding efficiency value (Fig. 3) and TEM (Fig. 6) .
- Inventors:
Katarzyna Szot-Karpińska, Piotr Golec, Adam Leśniewski, Grzegorz Węgrzyn, Marcin Łoś
- Advantages / Innovative aspects:
- Protein pVII with point mutation of the M13 filamantous phage specifically binds to the carbon nanofibers. These interactions between the phage and the material enable to produce hybrid materials – bionanomatrials. The surface of these materials is more developed than pure carbon nanofibres.
- Favorably protein pVII has a point mutation
- Favorably, the point mutation in protein pVII causes that the adenine residue was replaced with guanine at the position 1142. That in turn leads to replacement of the glutamine residue with arginine at position 381 in the protein pVII-pVII-mutant-M13 (Table 1).
- Favorably, protein pVII with point mutation is in a M13 filamentous bacteriophage which was made by us.
- Favorably, protein pVII with point mutation binds nanomaterials, more favorably it binds carbon nanomaterials, the most favorably it binds carbon nanofibres
- Favorably, carbon nanofibers (CNF) have a diameter in the range of 50-150 nm.
- Favorably, the very high binding efficiency between protein pVII with point mutation of M13 phage and CNF is expressed as O/I - a ratio of the output phage number (phages eluted/O) to the input phage number (phages incubated/I with target material). The binding efficiency between the carbon nanofibers and the M13 phage with the modified pVII protein is about two orders of magnitude higher compared to the M13 phage with unmodified pVII protein.
- The invention includes also the application of the pVII protein with a point mutation of M13 phage that specifically binds to the carbon nanomaterials, especially carbon nanofibers.
- Favorably, the specific binding does not occur between protein pVII with a point mutation of the M13 phage and the other studied nanomaterilas, more favorably with other carbon based nanomaterials, the most favorably with graphit, reduced graphene oxide, single- and multiwalled carbon nanotubes.
- Keywords:
pVII protein, filamentous M13 bacteriophage, carbon nanomaterials, carbon nanofibers, hybrid nanomaterials.
- Field:
- Usage:
Protein pVII with point mutation of the M13 filamantous phage specifically binds to the carbon nanofibers. These interactions between the phage and the material enable to produce hybrid materials – bionanomatrials. The surface of these materials is more developed than pure carbon nanofibres. These materials can be applied in electrochemistry as a material for electrode modification. In turn these electrodes can be used for construction of supercapacitors, fuel cells, ionic-lithium batteries and electrochemical sensors. The obtained electrodes can also be applied as a support for biomolecules (eg. DNA) immobilization. So these hybrid materials – bionanomatrials can find application in biology, medicine, optics and electronics.
- State of the progress:
stage of research
- Intellectual property rights:
Patent applications in Poland, possibility to extend protection abroad