INSITUTE OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY PAS Team 22, Molecular Nanophotonics
Project title, type and project number
Sonata BIS 13 Project No. 2023/50/E/ST4/00600. entitled “How to see the invisible? Dark plasmonic modes and dark electronic molecular states visualisation with Raman and luminescence excitation spectroscopy”, 55/2024
Project leader
Dr., Sylwester Gawinkowski
The objective of the proposed research is to understand and utilize the interactions between metallic nanoparticles and adjacent molecular systems when either is in a "dark" electronic state. In molecules, these dark states, such as the triplet state, can be harnessed to control the reactivity and photostability of chemical substances. For nanoparticles, dark modes—higher-order modes that are optically invisible when the nanoparticles are much smaller than the wavelength of light—play a crucial role in determining the local electromagnetic field distribution and its dynamics. These fields can profoundly impact nearby molecules' spectroscopy, photophysics, and photochemistry. Both types of dark states are challenging to detect optically but are of significant importance in the fields of photochemistry and nanophotonics. Therefore, there is a growing demand for simple, cost-effective methods to detect and characterize these states. In this project, we propose a novel methodology for detecting and spectroscopically visualizing dark states in both chemical molecules and nanoparticles. This approach relies on measurements of Raman scattering and luminescence excitation profiles.
The development and application of this methodology will enable us to study how metallic nanoparticles influence the electronic states of adjacent molecules and how the
excitation of these "dark" modes can be leveraged to control chemical reactivity and processes.
Number of vacancies
Key responsibilities include
The post-doc is expected to independently design, plan and conduct experiments. In addition, he/she will oversee the work of the PhD and MSc students.
• Microspectroscopy measurements with high spectral and temporal resolutions: fluorescence, phosphorescence, and SERS measurements in spectral and temporal domains.
• Numerical analysis and interpretation of collected data.
• Contribution to the efficient functioning of the lab, including necessary administrative tasks.
• Managing project's tasks for its successful completion.
• Dissemination of research results at team and project meetings, in peer-reviewed journals and at international conferences
Position in the project
POST DOC position
Job type
• Type of contract: temporary • Status: full-time employment, Hours Per Week: 40
Around 9 650PLN gross
Planned start of work in the project
Planned period of contract/stipend agreement
6 months (with possible extension up to 60 months)
We offer
We offer a post-doctoral position (full-time employment) in the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS with a gross salary of around 9 650 PLN per month financed from the NCN Sonata BIS 13 Project No. 2023/50/E/ST4/00600 100% of the work time of Postdoc will be devoted to the realization of the proposed project.
The offer is for 6 months (with a possible extension up to 60 months)
Career development prospects at IPC PAS
The successful candidate will benefit in the form of new knowledge and methods added to his/her toolbox. The project deals with spectroscopy, nanophotonics, nanotechnology, physics, material sciences, and physical chemistry, so any candidate profile will find some new knowledge to be gained upon the realisation of the project.
Parts of the project are planned to be realized in collaboration with scientific partners in Germany, the USA, and Spain, which will provide opportunities for international scientific collaboration.
The successful candidate will be eligible for all programs at the IPC PAS, including the IPC PAS Young Scientists competition and the IPC PAS Young Scientists Mobility competition.
Institute provides an opportunity to participate in ERASMUS+ programme.
Link to Euraxess website
see websiteScientific profile of a candidate
Recognised Researcher (R2)
• PhD degree in chemistry, physics, chemical engineering, nanotechnology, sciences, or similar, obtained in the year of employment in the project or within 7 years before 1 January of the year of employment in the project, and no later than the start date of employment in the project.
For researchers with multiple PhDs, the date of the first PhD award is deemed the reference date. Extension might apply according to National Science Centre, Poland, rules
• Additionally, the candidate for the postdoctoral position must meet the following condition: they did not have the principal investigator as their research supervisor or auxiliary supervisor of their PhD dissertation and must not hold an academic title, title of professor, habilitation degree or equivalent degree or title (does not apply to investigators involved in the project who will receive their academic title, title of professor, habilitation degree or equivalent degree or title in the course of the project) and Investigators involved in project must not have cooperated in the implementation of a research project funded following a call for proposals.
• Good publication record and scientific experience.
• Ability to work independently as well as in a group.
• Significant research achievements in at least one of the following disciplines: spectroscopy, microscopy, nanophotonics, or plasmonics. Experience in nonlinear optics or spectroscopy, and programming would be beneficial.
• Profound knowledge of molecular photophysics and spectroscopy.
• Ability to communicate fluently in English (written and spoken).
• Strong motivation to work and pursue scientific questions, creativity, and analytical thinking.
Key assessment criteria
The Recruitment Commission will take into account the following criteria:
• competencies of candidates for specific tasks in a research project (max 90 points),
• previous scientific achievements of candidates: publication record, awards and distinctions, etc. (max 10 points)
• employment application,
• motivation letter,
• professional curriculum vitae,
• university degree diploma,
• PhD certificate or other document confirming PhD degree (if applicable). In the case of a candidate before their doctoral defense, it is necessary to provide a statement regarding the planned date of the defense.
• list of scientific achievements (publications, patents, conference presentations, etc.). For each publication the description of contribution of the candidate have to be declared,
• Detailed description of the most significant scientific achievement (up to 1 page)
• two letters of recommendation written by a scientist in the field (at least one from current or previous supervisor or PhD thesis adviser)
• The application deadline is on the 22.11.2024, 12:00 noon
• Applications should be sent to IMPORTANT! email subject: “Recruitment no. 55/2024” (emails without this number will not be considered)
• Top candidates can be invited for an online or in-person interview. Good command of English is required. We reserve the right to contact and reply to only selected candidates.
• Only candidates with a minimum of 80 points would be considered for the position. A position will be offered to the person who obtains the highest number of points. The Recruitment Committee may not recommend any candidate for the position if no one would get at least 80 points.
• The results of the recruitment are planned to be announced on the 11.12.2024 .
• Employment will take place in accordance with the provisions of the competition documentation of the National Science Center (NSC) for the Sonata BIS 13,
and Employment policy of the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS .
• The incomplete applications may not be considered.
• The results of the competition are made public.
• Candidates who have been issued a negative opinion by the Competition Committee or candidates not selected for employment have the right to appeal against the results of the evaluation. The appeal shall be lodged with the Director of the Institute within 7 days from the date of receipt of the appropriate information. The decision of the Director of the Institute shall be final.
Appeals should be sent to the following email address:
If the top candidate does not sign the contract due to the resignation, we reserve the right to choose the next candidate from the ranking list.
The successful candidate for the postdoctoral position shall, for the full term of their employment within the project, be obligated to maintain compliance with the following conditions:
- their PhD degree has been awarded by another institution than the one planned to employ them at this post or they have completed a continuous and evidenced post-doctoral fellowship of at least 10 months in another institution than the host institution for the project and in another country than the one in which they have been conferred a PhD degree
- investigators involved in project other than the principal investigator must not hold an academic title, title of professor, habilitation degree or equivalent degree or title (does not apply to investigators involved in the project who will receive their academic title, title of professor, habilitation degree or equivalent degree or title in the course of the project) and must not have cooperated in the implementation of a research project funded following a call for proposals
-they did not have the principal investigator as their research supervisor or auxiliary supervisor of their PhD dissertation
- when the remuneration is paid, they will be receiving no remuneration from the funds allocated as direct costs under research projects funded in NCN calls;
- when the remuneration is paid, they will be receiving no remuneration from another employer pursuant to an employment contract, including an employer with registered office outside of Poland;
- when the remuneration is paid, they will be receiving no pension under the social insurance scheme
Contact person: dr Sylwester Gawinkowski
Additional information would be provided by email
Name of the post and its definition in the meaning of the grant documentation
A post-doc type post is a full-time post, scheduled by the project’s principal investigator for a person who has been conferred a PhD degree in the year of employment in the project or within 7 years before 1 January of the year of employment in the project18. This period may be extended by a time of long-term (in excess of 90 days) documented sick leaves or rehabilitation leaves granted on account of being unfit to work. In addition, the period may be extended by the number of months of a childcare leave granted pursuant to the Labour Code and in the case of women, by 18 months for every child born or adopted, whichever manner of accounting for career breaks is preferable.
Application deadline
22.11.2024 12:00
Planned date of settlement of the competition
Archival announcement. We would like to thank all candidates for their submitted applications.