Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS Warsaw, Poland Reaserch Group No 15 - Dioscuri Centre for Physics and Chemistry of Bacteria
Dioscuri, a programme initiated by the Max Planck Society, jointly managed with the National Science Centre in Poland , and mutually funded by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project title, type and project number
National Science Center (NSC) DIOSCURI Project “Dioscuri Centre for physics and chemistry of bacteria” No 2019/02/H/NZ6/00003, 33/2024
Project leader
Dr Bartłomiej Wacław
Bacteria are ubiquitous microscopic, single-celled organisms. Many bacteria live on and inside animals and humans, but very few cause diseases. Bacterial infections are usually treated with antibiotics, but resistance to antibiotics is becoming a major challenge. To prevent resistance from emerging and find alternative ways of combatting infections, we must understand population dynamics of bacteria during an infection: how they invade host cells, how resistant mutations arise and spread, and how intracellular bacteria respond to antibiotics. This requires a concentrated interdisciplinary effort.
In this project we take a physics-inspired approach and address these questions through a combination of laboratory experiments involving development of a confocal microscope for imaging intracellular bacteria and methods for optical detection of bacteria in liquids and use of mathematical modelling. We develop experimental model systems of bacterial infections together with advanced imaging methods to investigate the population dynamics of bacterial invasion. Mathematical models are used to interpret and direct experiments. The project fills an important gap between in vitro and animal models of infections. It enables quantitative research of bacterial ecology and evolution in an environment closer to the environment of the host than previous works, explore fascinating non-equilibrium physics of intracellular bacterial colonies, and the structure of within-host fitness landscapes.
Number of vacancies
Key responsibilities include
Main responsibilities:
1. Planning and execution of specific elements of the research program under the guidance of the supervisor. This may involve but is not restricted to: developing a confocal microscope for imaging intracellular bacteria, developing methods for optical detection of bacteria in liquids.
2. Communicating research results to team members and collaborators at IPC and other institutions through talks and discussions, as well as learning about others’ research through seminars and journal clubs.
4. Writing reports and scientific papers.
5. Attending and presenting at workshops and conferences.
6. Keeping up-to-date with relevant scientific developments through literature review.
Position in the project
Postdoctoral researcher in optical engineering
Job type
• Type of contract: temporary • Status: full-time employment • Hours Per Week: 40
Gross salary around 12 600 PLN/month.
Planned start of work in the project
Planned period of contract/stipend agreement
The position is initially for 12 months. Extension is possible subject to excellent performance and funding availability.
We offer
We offer a full-time employment position in the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS with a gross salary of around 12 600 PLN per month financed from the NCN DIOSCURI project No. 2019/02/H/NZ6/00003. The offer is for 12 months with possible extensions based on satisfactory performance and funding availability.
Career development prospects at IPC PAS
The successful candidate will benefit from working in an international, interdisciplinary research group, a modern well equipped wet lab, office space, and access to computational/storage servers. The candidate will work closely with experimentalists and theorists from the Dioscuri Centre. The candidate will have the opportunity to visit collaborating research groups and to participate in international workshops and conferences.
The institute provides an opportunity to participate in ERASMUS+ programme.
More details
see websiteScientific discipline
Biology, Physics, Chemistry, or related
Scientific profile of a candidate
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Candidates who possess these additional skills will be prioritized.
Key assessment criteria
The Recruitment Commission will take into account the following criteria:
a) competencies of candidates for specific tasks in the research project,
b) previous scientific achievements of candidates,
c) awards and distinctions of the candidate resulting from the conducted research.
In the first stage of recruitment, the following documents are required:
Before the second stage of recruitment (interview), the Recruitment Committee will ask candidates qualified for the second stage of recruitment to send two reference letters (these documents must be sent before the interview).
All required documents should be emailed to quoting “Rekrutacja nr 33/2024” in the subject line. Emails without the recruitment number will not be considered.
Short-listed candidates will be invited for an online or in-person interview (24 – 26 July 2024). Before the second stage of recruitment (interview), the Recruitment Committee will ask candidates qualified for the second stage of recruitment to send two reference letters (these documents must be sent before the interview).
If a candidate invited for an interview does not send reference letters before the interview, this will be treated as a resignation from participation in the recruitment process.
Good command of English is required. We reserve the right to contact and reply only selected candidates.
The Recruitment Commission evaluates applications incl. the performance at the interview on a scale 0-5. Candidates are ranked based on the number of points received, and the position is offered to the highest-ranking candidate.
Employment will take place in accordance with the provisions of the competition documentation of the Dioscuri programme (second call) the Employment policy of the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS .
We reserve the right not to consider incomplete applications
The results of the competition are made public.
Candidates who have been issued a negative opinion by the Competition Committee or candidates not selected for employment have the right to appeal against the results of the evaluation. The appeal shall be lodged with the Director of the Institute within 7 days from the date of receipt of the appropriate information. The decision of the Director of the Institute shall be final.
If the highest-ranking candidate declines the offer, we reserve the right to choose the next candidate from the ranking list.
About the Dioscuri Centre
The Centre’s main objective is to better understand bacterial growth and evolution in the natural environment of pathogenic bacteria: the interior of an animal cell and animal secretions. The members of the Centre use experimental in vitro models of infections, computer simulations and mathematical theory to create data driven, quantitative models of bacterial growth and evolution in these environments. Research performed in the Centre will contribute towards the understanding of bacterial infections and the evolution of antimicrobial resistance in animal and human hosts. The Centre collaborates with research institutions in Germany, the UK and the US. from NAWA.
Application deadline
19.07.2024 12:00
Planned date of settlement of the competition
Archival announcement. We would like to thank all candidates for their submitted applications.