Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences
National Science Centre (NCN)
Project title, type and project number
The National Science Centre SONATA 16 Project No. 2020/39/D/NZ4/01881 entitled “The role of the basal forebrain in visual processing”, 28/2024
Project leader
dr Andrzej Foik
The Project will be realized in the Ophthalmic Biology Group (OBi) led by Andrzej Foik Ph.D. OBi Group within the Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences is assigned to the International Centre for Translational Eye Research (ICTER). ICTER is funded within the International Research Agendas Program of the Foundation for Polish Science. It is collaboration between the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS and University College London, UK. The International Center for Translational Eye Research (ICTER) is a multi-investigator center for eye research as related to imaging and biochemical techniques to support advances in understanding the etiology and treatment and human blinding diseases. Further information on the research priorities and current expertise of our Center can be found at
The Postdoc position within SONATA 16 is intended for candidates with a Ph.D. degree interested in neurobiology techniques such as electrophysiology, optogenetic technique, imaging of cortical activity in vivo, intracerebral and intraocular injections, behavioral experiments, immunohistochemistry. Candidates should also be interested in translational research and the development of new therapies to cure blindness or other diseases. The postdoctoral scholar will have a direct impact on lab development and its success in publishing in high impact factor journals. The person will also be responsible for performing dynamic research to create a competitive research group. The position will focus on the testing of new viral therapies in in vivo research, analyzing visual information processing in the visual system before and after plasticity that happens due to vision recovery or disease.
Number of vacancies
Key responsibilities include
Position in the project
Job type
Employment contract
~ 9600 PLN gross/ month
Planned start of work in the project
Planned period of contract/stipend agreement
We offer
Career development prospects at IPC PAS
PostDoc will be part of a dynamic multi-disciplinary team and will have the possibility to collaborate with leading national and international groups in the fields of eye research. He/she will be encouraged to participate in national and international conferences.
Scientific discipline
Scientific profile of a candidate
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Key assessment criteria
Please, send the application to the e-mail address:
IMPORTANT: email title should be “Rekrutacja nr 28/2024”, applications sent without this reference number in the title will not be considered.
Applications send by e-mail will be considered regarding formal completeness of application, eligibility criteria, fields and level of experience, declared skills, and up today achievements.
Successful candidates fulfilling the main eligibility criteria and qualifications will be invited for an interview (which will most likely take place from July 8th, 2024). The competition results shall be announced by August 10th, 2024.
Incomplete applications may be not considered.
We reserve the right to contact and reply only to selected candidates.
IMPORTANT: email title should be “Rekrutacja nr 28/2024”, applications sent without this reference number in the title will not be considered.
Application deadline
5.07.2024 12:00
Planned date of settlement of the competition
Archival announcement. We would like to thank all candidates for their submitted applications.