Institute of Physical Chemistry (IPC) PAS, Group 9: "Coordination metal complexes and functional materials"
National Science Centre
Project title, type and project number
“Towards novel generation of anodes based on halide perovskites for li-ion batteries” OPUS 21, No 2021/41/B/ST5/04450
Project leader
Prof. dr hab. Inż. Władysław Wieczorek (Faculty of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology) Researcher responsible for implementation of the project at IPC PAS: Dr inż. Michał Leszczyński (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences)
The main objective of the project is to utilise tailor-made perovskite-type materials as major negative electrode components as well as artificial solid electrolyte interface (SEI) protecting layers for a new generation of Li-ion batteries. All materials will be prepared using innovative mechanochemical procedure by grinding of solid state precursors. Physicochemical properties of novel “mechanoperovskites” will be examined by a variety of techniques. Afterwards, the developed materials will be subjected to extensive electrochemical investigation in order to evaluate their applicability in Li-ion batteries. The final stage of the research involves preparation of new energy storage devices based on the results achieved in the course of the project.
Number of vacancies
Key responsibilities include
The role of the PhD student will include synthesis of functional porous carbon materials for energy storage applications, in particular:
Moreover, the PhD student will be involved in writing publications and reports.
Position in the project
PhD Student - scholarship position
Job type
PhD Student - scholarship position
4850 PLN per month
Planned start of work in the project
Planned period of contract/stipend agreement
7 months scholarship
We offer
Career development prospects at IPC PAS
The successful candidate will gain experience in the prospective scientific field of functional materials involving the design, synthesis, analysis and application stages. In particular, this scholarship is a chance to develop key skills in research concerning coordination polymers and porous carbon materials. The successful candidate will be able to take advantage of all programs in the IPC PAS, including Young Scientists of IPC PAS competition and Mobility of Young Scientists of IPC PAS competition. The Institute provides an opportunity to participate in ERASMUS+ program.
More details
see websiteScientific profile of a candidate
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Key assessment criteria
The Commission will take into account the following criteria and evaluate applications on a point scale:
The scholarship will be awarded in accordance with the rules defined by National Science Center’s document "REGULATIONS FOR AWARDING NCN SCHOLARSHIPS FOR NCN-FUNDED RESEARCH PROJECT” https://www.ncn.govpl/sites/default/files/pliki/uchwaly-rady/2019/uchwala25_2019-zal1_ang.pdf and the Employment policy of the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS
The Commission will analyze CVs of the candidates. The top candidates will be invited for an online interview (06.05.2024). Good command of English is required. We reserve the right to contact and reply only to selected candidates.
- The incomplete applications will be not considered.
- The scholarship will be awarded to the person who obtains the highest number of points.
- The results of the competition are made public.
- If the top candidate does not sign the contract, due to the resignation, we reserve the right to choose the next candidate from the ranking list.
How to Apply: Send application directly to;
IMPORTANT! email subject: “Recruitment no. 17/2024”
(emails without this number will not be considered)
More information:
Application deadline
30.04.2024 12:00
Planned date of settlement of the competition
Archival announcement. We would like to thank all candidates for their submitted applications.