Nuclear Hyperpolarization of Molecular Systems and Nanomaterials
Group leader
dr Tomasz Ratajczyk
Research topics
Based in the IPC Pas, the Ratajczyk group has extensive research interests in the areas of NMR spectroscopy development and applications, with our primary interest being in practical NMR utilization for chemistry and material sciences. NMR methodology involves development of hyperpolarization and NMR-light based techniques. NMR utilization involves comprehensive characterization of various functional materials and molecules and investigation of different molecular processes, in particular, hydrogen bonding and photoreactions.
- dr Adam Mames
- dr Mariusz Pietrzak
- dr Mateusz Urbańczyk
- mgr Marek Czarnota
T. Ratajczyk, G. Buntkowsky, T. Gutmann, B. Fedorczyk, A. Mames, M. Pietrzak, Z. Puzio, P. G. Szkudlarek,
Magnetic Resonance Signal Amplification by Reversible Exchange of Selective PyFALGEA Oligopeptide Ligands Towards Epidermal Growth Factor Receptors
ChemBioChem 2021, 22, 855,
Pietrzak, M., Jopa, S., Mames, A., Urbańczyk, M., Woźny, M., & Ratajczyk, T.
Recent Progress in Liquid State Electrochemistry Coupled with NMR Spectroscopy.
Ratajczyk, T., Mames, A., Pietrzak, M., Bernatowicz, P., Kubas, A., & Luboradzki, R. NMR Crystallography Enhanced by Quantum Chemical Calculations and Liquid State NMR for the Investigation of Se NHC Adducts. Chemistry – A European Journal,
Nawrocka, E. K., Urbańczyk, M., Koziński, K., & Kazimierczuk, K.
Variable-temperature NMR spectroscopy for metabolite identification in biological materials.
RSC Advances,
Kasprzak, P., Urbańczyk, M., & Kazimierczuk, K.
Clustered sparsity and Poisson-gap sampling.
Journal of Biomolecular NMR,
Kristinaityte, K., Urbańczyk, M., Mames, A., Pietrzak, M., & Ratajczyk, T.
Photoreactivity of an Exemplary Anthracene Mixture Revealed by NMR Studies, including a Kinetic Approach.
Dobkowski, J., Kijak, M., Gawinkowski, S., Karpiuk, E., Pietrzak, M., Sazanovich, I. V., & Waluk, J.
Solving the Puzzle of Unusual Excited-State Proton Transfer in 2,5-Bis(6-methyl-2-benzoxazolyl)phenol.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A,
Kharbanda, Y., Urbańczyk, M., Zhivonitko, V. V., Mailhiot, S., Kettunen, M. I., & Telkki, V.-V.
Sensitive, Efficient and Portable Analysis of Molecular Exchange Processes by Hyperpolarized Ultrafast NMR.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition,
Mames, A., Jopa, S., Pietrzak, M., & Ratajczyk, T.
Deactivation of catalysts in simultaneous reversible and irreversible parahydrogen NMR signal enhancement, and the role of co-ligands in the stabilization of the reversible method.
RSC Advances,
Chwojnowska, E., Grzonka, J., Justyniak, I., Ratajczyk, T., & Lewiński, J.
A modular design approach to polymer-coated ZnO nanocrystals.
Kharbanda, Y., Mailhiot, S., Mankinen, O., Urbańczyk, M., & Telkki, V.-V.
Monitoring cheese ripening by single-sided nuclear magnetic resonance.
Journal of Dairy Science,