Charge transfer processes in hydrodynamic systems
Group leader
prof. dr hab. Anders Martin Jönsson-Niedziółka
Research topics
The research group is working in many aspects of electrochemistry in hydrodynamic (such as microfluidics, etc) and static systems. We have two main branches of our research; studies of ion transfer between immiscible liquids, and studies of biologically relevant electrochemical processes for example by enzyme catalysis, peptides and in cell cultures.
- dr Magdalena Z. Wiloch
- dr Angelika Holzinger
- mgr Andrzej Krześniak
- mgr inż. Julia Maciejewska-Komorowska
Richter, Ł., Księżarczyk, K., Paszkowska, K., Janczuk-Richter, M., Niedziółka-Jönsson, J., Gapiński, J., Łoś, M., Hołyst, R., & Paczesny, J.
Adsorption of bacteriophages on polypropylene labware affects the reproducibility of phage research.
Scientific Reports,
Wiloch, M. Z., Kuna, E., Kosiorek, S., Sashuk, V., & Jonsson-Niedziolka, M.
The spectroelectrochemical behaviour of 1,4‐dimethoxypillar[5]arene (P5A) and its monomer in different organic solvents.
Sulowska, K., Roźniecka, E., Wiwatowski, K., Janczuk-Richter, M., Jönsson-Niedziółka, M., Niedziółka-Jönsson, J., & Mackowski, S.
Patterned silver island paths as high-contrast optical sensing platforms.
Materials Science and Engineering: B,
Gabler, T., Krzesniak, A., Janik, M., Mysliwiec, A. K., Koba, M., Buczyńska, J., Jönsson-Niedziółka, M., & Smietana, M.
Electrochemistry in an optical fiber microcavity - optical monitoring of electrochemical processes in picoliter volumes.
Lab on a Chip,
Kalisz, J., Nogala, W., Adamiak, W., Gocyla, M., Girault, H. H., & Opallo, M.
The Solvent Effect on H2O2 Generation at Room Temperature Ionic Liquid|Water Interface.
Bielec, K., Kowalski, A., Bubak, G., Witkowska Nery, E., ; Hołyst, R.
Ion Complexation Explains Orders of Magnitude Changes in the Equilibrium Constant of Biochemical Reactions in Buffers Crowded by Nonionic Compounds.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters,
Mazurkiewicz, W., Małolepszy, A., Katarzyna Witkowska Nery, E., Witkowska Nery, E., ; Witkowska Nery, E. K.
Comparison of carbon nanomaterials for simultaneous detection of neurotransmitters in the presence of interfering species.
Krzesiniak, A., Gabler, T., Janik, M., Koba, M., Jönsson-Niedziółka, M., ; Śmietana, M.,
A microfluidic system for analysis of electrochemical processing using a highly sensitive optical fiber microcavity.
Optics and Lasers in Engineering,
Wiloch, M. Z., Baran, N., ; Jönsson-Niedziolka, M.
The Influence of Coordination Mode on the Redox Properties of Copper Complexes with Aβ(3-16) and its Pyroglutamate Counterpart pAβ(3-16).
Wiloch, M. Z., ; Jönsson-Niedziółka, M.
Very small changes in the peptide sequence alter the redox properties of Aβ(11-16)-Cu(II) and pAβ(11–16)-Cu(II) β-amyloid complexes.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry,
Bogdanowicz, R., Jönsson-Niedziolka, M., Vereshchagina, E., Dettlaff, A., Boonkaew, S., Pierpaoli, M., Wittendorp, P., Jain, S., Tyholdt, F., Thomas, J., ; Wojcik, P.
Microfluidic devices for photo-and pectroelectrochemical applications.
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry,
Gabler, T., Janik, M., Liao, C., Myśliwiec, A., Koba, M., Jönsson-Niedziółka, M., Wang, Y., Śmietana, M.
Investigation of liquids with microcavity in-line Mach-Zehnder interferometers – Impact of the microcavity shape on the sensing performance.
Optical Fiber Technology,