Equipment database

Amplifier for recording membrane ionic currents
Molecular Devices
Axopatch 200B; converter Digidata1440A; head CV-203BU
Research group:
Team 11. Microfluidic techniques and self-organisation in complex fluids

Axopatch 200B – a microelectrode amplifier designed for low-noise patch-clamp recordings. It employs capacitor-feedback technology and active headstage cooling for single channel measurements, while resistive-feedback circuitry is used for two different ranges of whole-cell recording. In current-clamp mode, it offers two different speeds to optimize membrane potential recording while simultaneously correcting for voltage errors due to pipette resistance.
The Digidata 1440A Data Acquisition System is a data acquisition system for low- noise applications suitable for mounting in a frame. The 250kHz sampling rate in each of the 16-bit I/O channels provides speed and precision over a large 10V range. Four analogue outputs are the source of many control signals and 16 independent analogue and digital converters virtually eliminate crosstalk signals. The device is supported by pCLAMP 10 software.


mgr inż. Tomasz Kamiński