Catalysis and materials for sustainable transformations
Prof. dr hab. inż. Juan Carlos Colmenares Quintero
Outline of the research areas
In essence, the prime focus of the cluster will be on the innovative preparation, characterization and application of novel materials (for instance: homogeneous/heterogeneous catalysts, metallic alloys, composites, polymers, metallic particles/nanoparticles either dispersed in bulk solutions or deposited on various inorganic/organic supports, semiconductor compounds, thin films, single-atom catalysts, hybrid nanostructures, electrode materials), and more specifically on: a. understanding of the reactions mechanisms in catalysis under different activation pathways (for instance: thermo-, photo-, electro, mechano-chemically, and the combination of them) with attention on their energetics, dynamics, surface structure and phase transitions using the complementary combination of various instrumental techniques such as PXRD, HRXPS, SEM, FTIR, AES, SECM, PM-IRRAS, LMFI, NMR-light-based techniques, MS-TGA and GPC/SEC analysis, thermogravimetry, differential scanning calorimetry, and flow microcalorimeter, among others, with the appropriate well-established test reactions such as green hydrogen generation, CO2 and oxygen reduction, water/air pollutants degradation, biomass valorization, hydrogenation, hydrolysis, and condensation b. combines theoretical and experimental efforts to provide a molecular basis for the mechanism of action of all types of catalysts/materials irrespective of phases involved (homogeneous and heterogeneous), c. studies related to processes intensification based on batch and flow mode, such as biomimetic processes through natural-enzymes-fashion, two-different-phases-based and two-complementary-energies-of-catalyst-activation-based processes, d. development technologies enabling “catalysis-on-demand” approach.
Mostly interested in EU cluster Climate, Energy and Mobility
- Team 2 „Living Materials” Team leader dr hab. Jan Paczesny, prof. instytutu
- Team 6 „Nanoelectrochemistry” Team leader dr Wojciech Nogala
- Team 7 „Chemistry in Confined Spaces” Team leader dr hab. Volodymyr Sashuk, prof. instytutu
- Team 9 „Coordination metal complexes and functional materials” Team leader: prof. dr hab. Janusz Lewiński
- Team 18 „Functional Polymers” Team leader dr hab. Piyush Sharma, prof. instytutu
- Team 20 „Cooperative catalysis” Team leader dr hab. Adam Kubas, prof. instytutu
- Team 21 „Spectroscopic and microscopic (STM/AFM) studies of intermolecular interactions” Team leader prof. dr hab. Robert Nowakowski
- Team 23 „Modified electrodes for potential application in sensors and cells” Team leader prof. dr hab. Marcin Opałło
- Team 28 „Catalysis for sustainable energy production and environmental protection” Team leader prof. dr hab. inż. Juan Carlos Colmenares Quintero
- Team 30 „Nuclear Hyperpolarization of Molecular Systems and Nanomaterials” Team leader dr Tomasz Ratajczyk
- Laboratory of Surface Analysis, Team leader dr hab. inż. Marcin Pisarek, prof. instytutu
- Laboratory of Scanning Electron Microscopy, Team leader dr inż. Marcin Hołdyński
- Laboratory of Chromatographic Analysis, Team leader dr Monika Asztemborska
- Laboratory for Soft Matter Research, Team leader dr Agnieszka Wiśniewska
- Laboratory of Molecular Film Investigation, Team leader dr Paweł Borowicz